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First 55+ blogs are classified clearance & are exclusive.

Updated: Jun 3

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I am Deborah Kim Pinchot-Bouvier-Kennedy, born Janet Rose Pinchot Bouvier Kennedy, placed in witness protection program in mid 1967 (as Deborah Kim Guffey- ?-Garner (-Kennedy) ) after surviving the 1st of 6 times of being kidnapped by terrorists killers, the "Osama 'Devil' Bin Laden's gang", & associates, like the KKK. Placed in a home of a little girl who died of a ruptured appendix, she was Deborah Kim Guffey-?, they changed her name to Deborah Mae Guffey- (?)- Garner, she was cremated in 1967 after her death and in 1974 placed in the coffin of her mother, my witness protection program mother, Wanda Mae Mikel-Guffey Garner who died of cancer.

In April 1967, my Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy Sr took me to Memphis Tennessee to visit Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I was kidnapped by a gang whose leader was "Osama Bin Laden". This gang took me to a hotel and from a window shot and assasinated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , the shooter was a woman named Brenda, Osama's number one sniper. They then took me to Canada, to a terrorists training camp they'd begun, not long after arriving there, Osama flew in by helicopter. He was definitely the leader. The horrors they put me thru, and I just a babe of age three and half years old, was horrific. It was 3 weeks before I was rescued, and then I had been left laying on the floor cut almost n half by a machete across the mid abdomen, laying dying and they had already escaped.

During captivity much horror and trauma was inflicted upon me for being U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's youngest child. I was a preplanned prearranged birth. My birth mother was Mary Eno Pickering-Pinchot Meyers, and U.S. First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy was adopted mother. It was a three way birth certificate. I was in the womb when my father was assassinated in 1963.

Born in 1964, placed in witness protection program in 1967, kidnapped five times as a young child and once as a young adult by this terrorists gang & his infiltrated associates, Bin Laden - who we went to war against in 2001, known as Obama Bin Laden's "Isis" terrorists organization.

Bin Laden is famous for having his soldier's infiltrate in to other organizations/gangs & in to positions of all types of careers, especially law enforcement. That was one of his biggest infiltration secrets of how he pulled so much off for so long. I am the surviving witness to a whole life history of his terror on our country.

I exited witness protection program in May of 2022. After 56 years of hiding, being found, etc... and of various last name combinations.

Every time I was found as a young child was when I had visits with my mother Jackie Bouvier Kennedy and sister Caroline Kennedy and brother John Kennedy Jr, and Uncles and cousins, which after fifth time, visitations stopped in 1972. In 1974, they induced amnesia on me, wrongfully and unjustly and harmfully so. Then began such cruelty by witness protection program home, & untrue tales of my behavior. Then we/they & I moved from Indpls Indiana to Monticello KY.

But in 1992, I a young adult, one of his assassin's found me again, known to me as "Gilbert Nercardo". At that time, Osama Bin Laden had at least two son's. It was in the state of California, April 25, 1992. The man was wearing a sheriff's deputy uniform and badge, with name plate of name "Gilbert Nercardo", he took my wedding ring off for Osama Bin Laden, cause in 1967, when I was 3.5 yrs old and he had me hostage, in Canada at his terrorists training camp, he married me, by performing a ritual. He then raped me, then had his men rape me. So much happened during that time. Then in 1992, he declared the wedding ring on my finger.

Gilbert Nercardo then disposed of my body thinking I was dead, my breathe was so faint, he thought I was deceased, but I survived for the sixth time.

During the last abduction, I received a critical head injury and much more. It was horrific. I have different articles/posts telling of different things and times of my life, all on this blog site & my page on allpoetry site of poetry. However it had been being hacked and info I posted being changed. Its easy to have typo errors, but when somebody or somebody's are hacking and changing things, it makes it much harder, as it's been hard enough anyway due to memories of all returning and I slowly relearning and re-knowing myself -

re-remembering all, cause over the years had only re-remembered a small portion of, and now the last 9+ yrs has been re-remembering most all of, especially all the horrific parts, but also some good times as well - when not in captivity, both with my true bio/real identity families and with my witness protection program families. There was good & there was bad, and there was horrific when in captivity. So I truly have/had two identities legally. All records amended my first and middle name in 1967, and recognition of both identities as they were legally by court of law of the United States Supreme court, and filed with classified witness protection program, and all other legal needs/ matters/records/etc., as it was never meant for me to not exit witness protection program, it was always planned for me to exit as an adult someday and that day is now.

I officially exited May 2022.

I am a spiritual person and have had twelve interactions (visits visions signs) with Jesus, God, Holy Spirit & heaven. As a young child my life began with Catholic religion with my adopted mother Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy & siblings, and in mid 1967 with witness protection program mother Wanda was introduced to Baptist, Methodist & Nazarene. When Wanda died in 1974 religion was no longer a priority n the home, no longer present in the home. I was left in with her husband Sammie Bruce Garner & his/their son Ronald Bruce Garner, both now deceased, as well. It's been complicated and complex, having to readjust my views and opinions as my memories and feelings return, each with details and facts, sometimes completely changing something I had already concluded/presumed/assumed, but as such, all I can say is "I can handle the truth, & always could", and always needed, didn't need lack of knowledge and details.

Something very close to my heart is the topic of child and adult abductions. It's at the top of my list of things I would love to see a complete end to, if ever there was a way. I have strong feelings of this topic. I was hostage to such cruel lunatics.

Life is precious and there is so much beauty in the world but there is also ugliness in our world. Thank God for a world with out end, so it can continue for goal of peace, harmony, acceptance and beauty everywhere, worldwide, and for an end to violence (of intentional bodily harm & loss of life) & wronging being persecuted by radicals of terror & horror.

I shall continue to speak out about these topics.

Written by me -

 Deborah "Debbie" Kim Pinchot-Bouvier-Kennedy


Last names of

Guffey Garner Garner-Kennedy Colver Hicks etc - & combinations of

& Originally at birth known by "Janet Rose" as first & middle name, then changed , even to true bio/adoption families (Pinchot's, Bouvier's & Kennedy's ) due to witness protection program placement & need for that to be "Deborah Kim", as it's hard for a young child to understand all this kind of stuff, & they done & tried to make it understandable to me.

I officially exited from the witness protection program May of 2022.

This post last checked for accuracy June 1, 2024 & am having difficulties getting it to post correctly.

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