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Updated: Nov 19, 2021

IN NOMINE Patris, et Filii, et Spirit Sancti.

IN THE NAME, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


"Wan** Ma* Mik**-Guf*** Garner

Died in April 1974 of cancer, born to Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Guffey who are also deceased. The kind of cancer she had was mesothelioma which spread from there to her ovaries to ovarian cancer, in our home she took her last breath on Kildare Avenue in Indianapolis, Indiana, in a hospital bed in the living room.

She went for several years with no marker, name on her grave, as her husband nor her son cared if she had one or not, nor obviously did any other of her family members.

I was a child, after her funeral, her husband took me to a doctor, and they lied to me, and induced amnesia on me of all that had happened in my early childhood life, and I was a stable child with only physical health issues of an appendix in my leg functioning, which was found in 1985 by a team of doctors in the state of California.

After her death when that doctor did that, I began having a form of PTSD, it is a different type of PTSD than a soldier has, it would come and go, but I dealt with it, fairly well to I might add, considering, I dealt and deal with it really well, I think/feel, it began in 1974.

They also had me sign a bunch of legal papers at the doctor's office, I was just the age of 9 1/2 years old. They lied to me about what these legal papers were.

It was strange growing up the rest of the way, with no knowledge of my young life, except for a bite of toast at the age of 3 1/2 at a hospital.

After that, I still knew that I wasn't Sam*** Bru** Garner's child, but not much of anything else. I knew when people were around he behaved one way, and when no one was around but me and his son, he sure behaved and talked another way, totally opposite of.

From about the year 1976 to 1977, well I was 12 years old. I was babysitting, and making potholders, and took a dare to make $20.00 bucks by downing a fifth of 151 proof Bacardi, it almost killed me, I O.D.'d and had to have my stomach pumped and rushed to the ER and etc. The doctor was a real smart-elik about it all, while in the ER.

I used the money to buy her a tombstone rock because I felt that no one should be buried without their name on their grave. It was how I felt, it was an unmarked grave and I saw to it that it didn't stay an unmarked grave. It didn't have her maiden name on it, but the scrap granite rock was small & all I could afford.

It wasn't much, there was a tombstone rock company down at the end of the road, that I had made it. We then lived on Vermont St. in Indianapolis Indiana. I use to walk down there and buy sodas out of the soda machine outside, one day I asked a worker about the cost of tombstones. He told me that he could make me one from a piece of scrap, for a small price, and I paid him the money for the marker. It wasn't a big one, it didn't have enough room on it to put her maiden name on it, only her first name and her married last name and dates went on it, but I thought this will have to do, as it is at least marked, and all knew her by her married name, or most did anyway. It was no longer an unmarked grave, that was a satisfaction to me.

I didn't know much after that doctor did that to me - of her and my relationship in full. But now that I have finally remembered almost all of the stuff from under age 7 that they blanked me of and the few things missing there between age 7 and age 9, now I know finally once again, what I did when she died.

I was going to go under hypnosis, but it wasn't offered till now by my insurance company, and I still plan to, so I can get more of what all happened when I was in heaven with Jesus and God.

Whatever they call that I have done, by breaking through this block, this blanking, in 2017, forcing the rest of my memories of then, because I had only remembered just a tiny bit, it now has caused a ringing in my ears/head every day and every night; sometimes loud, sometimes medium, and sometimes it's mild, but it's all the time.

I had only remembered a tiny bit, some in 1990 and a couple of tiny things since of all before and up to age 7. I had a memory of age 7 1/2 but not anything before that, as that was when her husband S. Bru** Garner, chased her and me with a shotgun down the road. Him hollering that I was a "bastard child".

After her death, things got even worse between him and me, but I didn't tell anyone all the details, only a few things, as I guess I wasn't looking for sympathy and empathy and was trying to go on with my life. So when I did speak of any of it, I just grazed the surface of it all.

Come to find out, I am similar to Jett Williams, and how she was done, my case was/is more complex and more complicated with much tragedy in it, as I have spoken about on this site, in other articles/posts I have posted of and about my life and my feelings and beliefs/etc.

Come to find out, Wan** was my witness protection program foster guardian mother, and that was our relationship. It explains a lot of things that never made any sense till now. Like why she was always telling me that she worked at Rodale Books when she actually worked at Xerox, and other things as well, it helped me to be able to put it all together and get the facts out and in perspective of why my life was the way it was. She was my friend though. I have a memory now of when I was two, and she was speaking with either the FBI or the U.S. Marshall's and they were returning me from a visit with my Kennedy family, and because of the way my (bio) father died - President John F Kennedy - because of what Oswald said when he signaled the shooter, praising Allah; this FBI/Marshall and Wanda and Zula were all laughing about how if it all comes out, that I exist, and if need be he would have to say that she was a prostitute and going on. Zula and Wanda were happy to be doing their duty as American citizens and were saying how the real facts could come out afterward after he had done his job.

Wan** was born in Monticello, Kentucky. She is buried at Cabell Grove Methodist Church Graveyard in the Cabell Community of Monticello, Kentucky.

However, I was born in New York, but it was covered up, and now is uncovered. I was transferred to Monticello Kentucky at 3 days old into the witness protection program.

I thank her for all she did for me when she was alive. I speak of her in several articles on my blog site here, too bad the rest wasn't more like her, especially her husband and some others too.

Her mother Zu** paid for her burial plot. Bruce, as most called him, wasn't much of a husband, he was abusive, like the one I am divorcing now.

Her mother also purchased other grave spots then at that time and she gave me one, I have the option of using it if I so desire to when I die. Right now I don't know. I can't think that far ahead. I know I will be buried with my true name, no matter who likes it and who doesn't, my true name of Bouvier-Kennedy, the name I was born to have. I know many knew me with the last name of Garner, and the Kennedy's even back then it started out with my witness protection the last name being Guffey, but as school started she had her married name put on, so as to not have to answer questions, it was my witness protection name. I have no need to use it, I know I was known as that, but I was also known as Bouvier-Kennedy as well, and that is who I am. I am Debbie (nickname), or Deborah officially is my first name.

How could life get so mixed up and so crazy, as if those terrorists that kidnapped me over and over as a child wasn't bad enough, that monster known to me as "Gilbert Nercardo" kidnapped me when I was 26 and you talk about a head injury, doozy doesn't begin to describe it. I truly had Nercardo damages on top of 1974 damages to my memory, my head, my life, and more.

I have made my decisions about it all as it is my right to do, I so needed those files, those memories, this knowledge, and to know all I know now, that was so unfair. Wanda didn't do this to me, and I so understand why she wanted her words known and for me to tell her story and for me to publish it all.

May Wan** whose in heaven with my Father and my Mother and my Uncle's; may all their stories be told right.

I didn't know, in 2015, when that happen, I was worried about our nation and an attack happening, and all I knew at the time was what Bruce had said to me when I was in high school, & I guess my sub-conscience knew things I had been taught back then when it came to dealing with those terrorists.

You know, in 1985 when that appendix was found in my leg and I tried to get a lawyer, called one after another, and they continually kept saying "You need Dr. Moss records". I sure couldn't understand it.

Dr. Moss records, I believe was that conversation I heard the lawman and Wanda and Zula having, it wasn't referring to the actual doctors' records from then, it was referring to the records they covered up in 1974 by blanking me of what all Doctor Moss had done, and they blurred that picture of when that conversation happened, they blurred it thru my eyes, so as when I looked at it, I saw a blur. All these years, every time I looked at that picture, it was blurry to me, and come to find out one day just a few short couples of years ago here as I started remembering, that picture just unblurred itself and the memory of the talk came flooding back. Oh, what a strange life it has been, I need my doctors, but it is sure one I didn't need and that is the one from 1974. And now looking back, why was everyone acting so strange, those they did that were those that knew I was being E.I.T. Serum'd and that is why they said and behaved the way they did, to try to cause me psychological issues.

May our whole nation be safer now. I sure hope so. We all so deserve it to be. Many civilians did die and so many of our soldiers too.





I do not support or promote terrorists/terrorism, murder, or attempted murder and never have. I have never made any monies from any poems or articles/posts/blogged etc. that I have written, posted, or displayed.



I was the reason they lied

Then I also almost died

That caused them to feel justified

A devil who did kill in Jesus name

Looking for anyone to blame

By: Debbie Kennedy


Let the Church Bells ring

Hear the Angels sing

Let Freedom rise

For Jesus is wise

America chosen, he did so return

Eight Revelations is the burn

By: Debbie Kennedy


Since I was 3 days old, I win

I am & have been my own twin

Whether I ever became or not, a mom or wife

It was & is my right to decide my life

None better not try to dare make/force my choice

Freedom of Speech means it is my right to my voice

I'm a New-Yorker/New-Yorkian

Living in Ole Kentuckian

By: Debbie Kennedy


Heroes, Why don't they see

What evil that kill you be

I am not a lie

An American you did die

Equal rights for one and all

Many of our people did fall

By: Debbie Kennedy


No longer a child, I am who I am

Regardless of where I am, dam

Oh it is so finally over

I don't need any four-leaf clover

By: Debbie Kennedy


Written By:

Deborah "Debbie" Kim B-Kennedy

The youngest daughter of President John/Jack F Kennedy

& First Lady Jackie Bouvier-Kennedy (-Onassis) "Templesman"

I am A.K.A.

Bouvier, Guffey, Garner, Colver, HIcks, G-, B-, K-


All Rights Reserved

My life details and facts and these cases I was entangled up in during the course of my life, as a witness and a victim-survivor and etc., I do not give to anyone else, they are a part of my true life story, and I authorize no one to take my place or authority or rights thereof to. I own my life and my facts, no matter who likes it or not, I was, is, and am who I am, like it or not.

Deborah "Debbie" Kim Bouvier-Guffey-Garner-Kennedy Hicks


Colver, G-, B-, K-

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