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Updated: Dec 15, 2021

DEUS, qui humanae substantiae dignitatem mirabiliter condidisti, et mirabilius reformasti: da nobis per hujus aquae et vini mysterium, ejus divinitatis esse consortes, qui humanitatis nostrae fieri dignatus est particepes, Jesus Christus Filius tuus Dominus noster: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus: per omnia saecula saeculorum.



Mary "brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." -----Luke 2, 7.




In 1984 age 20, when still single, I went to a dentist's appt to have my wisdom teeth removed & I was EIT/Serum'd w/o knowing what that was & what they were doing, it affected me immediately. I was taking computer programming & real estate in college in 1987, 88, 89, but have no memory of my education+ courses taught to me due to traumatic brain injury with an untreated concussion in 1992.

Now I take a look back at what I didn't finish pursuing and re-evaluating life and trying to re-find my voice, I gave it all up due to multiple health issues, as the words don't flow like they used to, and worries, the type I wouldn't wish upon anyone. I thank God for standing with me in my darkest hours always and for life, it is so precious and for the love, he gives me without abandonment, I feel it in my heart, it's kept me alive with all that had/has happened in life.

Rewind a minute to when I was three, I was kidnapped before a speech event while with my Uncle Robert F. Kennedy, we were visiting with Mr. King; the kidnappers who took me, assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr & I witnessed it. The shooter was a woman named Brenda, they took me to a hotel where she shot out a window killing him and I attempted to jump wanting to stop the bullet, then they took me to Canada where they tortured me. Brenda's crew of men raped me, her supreme boss was one of them, Osama Bin Laden. I saw Brenda's fingerprints hands professionally burned then the one with a machete knife said "She can walk & talk", I turned to run but the blade came down on the inner right heel slicing off a sliver & causing me to stumble falling. Then he proceeded to cut me almost half n half across the abdomen with that machete & they left me for dead.

I only had memories growing up from about age 7 1/2 years old & up, but not much till after age 9 1/2 and up & I was told my appendix ruptured, but medical discoveries during surgeries by Dr. Marik of Tyler Medical Clinic at St. John's Hospital in Los Angeles n '85 revealed lots wrong, & one thing was appendix had to be removed from the bend of my right leg that was grown into my leg muscles, also from growing up with an infection in my stomach caused adhesions to matt/glue all my organs together & they all had to be cut apart & plastic put around each organ for 3 months, I still suffer today with stomach pain and bend of my leg pain were that appendix was removed from. Some things began immediately after serum in 1984, but the trauma memories started coming back again in 1990 (PTSD/amnesia) tried to contact a series of officials/lawyers '85, 91 & approx. 2009 only to repeatedly be told "I need Dr. Moss records" & have been denied legal representation since by every lawyer I spoke with, also not took seriously by officials on so much, it's hard to know where to begin.

Hope it's understandable at least for now because I just don't feel up to redoing it in its entirety tonight but will get back to it in near future and make it clearer & easier to follow along.

A Hispanic man wearing an officers uniform & nameplate reading "Gilbert Nercardo" thought he had killed me n '92, he kidnapped me (again, a sixth time now, this time I was age 26), he held me, hostage, for at least 17 days, tortured, raped & left me for dead in Mojave desert. The date of April 25th, 1992 is when he took me. When he disposed of my naked body wrapped in a blanket thinking I was dead, my breath was so faint he didn't realize I was alive when he tossed me I landed on my back helping to force that very light faint breath to gasp & inhale, luckily he didn't hear me and didn't already have a hole dug to throw me in. For at least 3 days, I stumbled around unable to stand & walk correctly, suffering from extreme vertigo and more, I crawled/roamed around till a pick-up truck came along & stopped, picking me up, but they did not take me to a hospital, and I was in severe condition, they took me to a homeless shelter, where someone put some clothes on me & threw me in a bed & left me laying there. I lay there for an exceptionally long time, months, about 4, unable to talk, sit up, unable to communicate at all.

While lying there I know I was attacked again, but the lady assigned to the same room as me walked in and caught him & got him off me & her & the homeless shelter lady had him arrested, I know an officer came but he did not speak to me, as I stated I was unable to do anything, everything was going around in circles 10 million miles an hour, and my body had all sorts of things wrong, I lay there helpless.

I do not remember my birthday at all that year. I know the first time I remember being able to get up out of that bed everything was spinning around in circles, then I was seeing things upside down. The shelter did not give me immediate medical attention, it was a while after seeing everything upside down before I was ever seen by a physician. Then the physician gave some classified diagnoses - very wrong diagnoses of "schizophrenia". I insisted to him that's what I didn't have & tried to tell him my ailments & what happened, but he insisted. I had never figured it all out completely till here last several yrs. I started remembering all the rest of what was still blank from early childhood and why that all happened the way it did.

You see, 1963 to 1969 and 1992 are all connected to the Osama Bin Laden gang & 1970 to 1972 was all done to me by the KKK.

Much more details I can give on each case above.

See I was born classified, I am the bio-daughter of President John F. Kennedy & and the adopted daughter of 1st lady Jackie Bouvier Kennedy (Onasis), I think Wanda was the surrogate for them, not sure yet.

Surrogate was having me for them when the assassination happened, and she was an eye witness to my father's assassination (eyes from within the womb-is me in 1963 as I know the details of all that as well), so I was born classified.

When I got kidnapped from Uncle Robert F. Kennedy at age 3, I became super classified. I was given treatments for years after the age 3 traumas and traumas at ages 5, 6, and 7. President Johnson denied momma Jackie the right to take me to Greece in 1969.

My foster mom Wanda then died in 1974 of mesothelioma ending my treatments when she got ill. My step guardian Sammie Bruce Garner (also my witness protection last name) and that's a story within itself.

Anyway, right before my 18th birthday, I took off on my own, ending up in California when I was twenty and I was EIT/Serum'd in 1984 as I stated at the beginning without my knowledge of what they were doing. I went to get teeth extracted but ended up getting my knowledge/testimony from early childhood interviews extracted. That is the only time I have been under anesthesia at a dentist's office.

I was Serum'd again (regular serum) without my knowledge at the time of consent in 2016 at Lake Cumberland Hospital in Somerset KY. and done during another procedure in 98/99-time frame which I didn't know they done at the time as well, but I believe some others around here did know. They may have done the 98/99-time frame one because of Princess Diana's death and/or because of Nercardo in 92.

I have had much more memory return of each trauma since/over the years now. I also have so far had other memories return of age 1 to age 9 return as well, these are the ones I want to remember even more of, good memories. But I am and was determined that if I have to remember the bad first to get to the good one's then so be it. For I will remember it all, that's my goal. I want them fully prosecuted of the law, the one from ages 0,3 & five, most of them may be dead or may not be, and justice probably fulfilled. The one from age 26 is still alive, he is a professional killer. It was all too professionally done and had to be connected to 1963 to 1969. I desire to be able to testify against these animals and get justice, the justice I deserve and all of America deserves, mine and America's truth, real history, real facts, relevant stuff, not the nonsense stuff.

Anyway, this is just a quick sum-up of these factual events in my life. I also have some knowledge remembered of the death of my bio-father President John F. Kennedy. Films I watched, classified films, giving me insight knowledge of that as well, Uncle Robert was educating me, and so was momma Jackie and WPP foster momma Wanda, they are the three that had my best interest at heart.

Step guardian Sammie Bruce Garner and Step guardian Cynthia Ann Randolph Garner (Kerr) actually did not have my best interest at heart. They had the people they knew's, best interest at heart first, stuff none really gives a crap about, because that is just plain life. The things that were agreed upon when I was a child are how it was suppose to stay in regards to that Serum.

I have agoraphobia, PTSD, amnesia, focal lesion w/fluid on the brain; ruptured disc in neck & back; t10/11/12 right side of mid back disc removed; I have an open spinal cord injury &, etc.; plus so many other health issues; my stomach, arms, wrists, hands, feet, etc. hate sounding like a complainer.

You wouldn't believe what that one did to me in '92, as a young adult my life was put into a tailspin, I truly believe it was all over my age 0 to age 7 testimonies against those crimes committed against me.

Awaiting to hear from US Dept of Justice to see what is going to be done about it all, filed and filing lawsuits/grievances/complaints/etc. My rights, privacy, HIPPA, etc. being violated and denied proper counseling, and proper procedures, etc. also without the correct and right kind of care. Hope to receive justice and to be able to set the record straight on all these issues and get the legal justice+ that I deserve and as an American citizen am so entitled to.

I saw blushing babies and toddlers of all ages in the sky several years back one day when traveling in auto, the sky was full. They were all a blushing light red color & they were in Heaven and crawling, toddling & playing, is all I can tell you. It's meaning for sure I did not know at the time, but God helped me remember more later, so now I understand it much more, as to why he showed me the blushing babies nursery.

See I have since seen Jesus here last year. Also, I went to heaven when I was 3 and died from sliced half n half almost by a machete before I was revived. But during the minutes I wasn't breathing, I was in heaven with Jesus and he took me to his father "God" and he had a talk with me. He also took me back in time and I saw Jesus being born and we talked some more then he sent me back to earth. In conversation, he said, "I will never abandon you,".

Then I saw Jesus again the second time I was kidnapped at age 6, and he spoke to me, which I'll get into words later of what all was said, as I haven't spoken in the length of all the details of each of these.

In 2003 my foster brother died Ronnie, and in 2004, I felt Jesus take my hand and we will go into more of that later.

In 2020, Jesus appeared in my living room here where I am living now, and then again reminding me of when he talked to me at age 6. Each time Jesus has been wearing different clothing.

Also, in 2020 when I was at the hospital with my soon-to-be 2nd ex-husband at his sister's bedside, I heard/saw the sign from The Holy Spirit, that she was cancer-free, go into more detail about that later also.

So, all together I have visited and seen signs and visions from all the above 8 times now.

Anyway, there is so much detail I have remembered, it is all been coming back. For years only little bits were coming back very slowly, and now, wow, woe, it has been flooding and all coming back. Lots and lots of details, precise details that make a difference.

I am ready to be interviewed in full by authorities in Washington of classified testimonies, and ready as well for a book/movie author interview, more ready than the interviews done on Zoom with two authors. I am ready to tell it all as it is my right to get to do so, nobody else's right to get to do so.

Then Warren Commission & Watergate: I blow the lid wide open on. It is I, this is my true autobiography facts. And the truth shall set you free they say, well get ready, because many didn't know that their truth isn't truth, it was super classified.

I had worried about so much and tried my best to keep it from falling on my children's shoulders when they were young, and now they are grown, so it can be no harm to them. As I am the only federal living victim-witness survivor of these events in our history.

This is all for now, will try to get around to logging back on soon and making all this clearer and more easily understandable and in order, as I said someone sure had diced it all, dicing some things in and some things out.

Hope this clears it all up a little more. Ready to speak to lawyers, authors, movie producers, and of course our President, because it makes a difference. No other survivor has ever been done this way, and it is the right time for it to be for me, and we can all go forward together. It is in the best interest of myself and our nation "America", it truly is.

I know that in 2018, a woman by the name of Pauline Scholnick/Schlepnik snuck her name in on my medical paperwork with AETNA/WELLCARE, when i went to Lexington KY to a group of doctors up there, three actually. I have been continually wronged and harmed over and over, by one group and individuals, one after another, and it is time for it to be what is right for me. I have been treated inhumanely, legally wronged, morally wronged, ethically wronged, only not just penny Annie stuff, but royally wronged in all these ways listed above. It is time for Washington D.C., the people, and my family the "Kennedys", starting with my dear sister Caroline and me, for it to be made right. How crappy to do me, a survivor of so much trauma the way i have been done, let's do this right, not continually wrong.

I witness Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination, and about died myself, and then was a witness like about my Uncle Robert's assassination, and then repeatedly victimized for many years after, and don't forget while I was in the womb, surrogate's testimony of my father's assassination, and then when it was opened when I was adult, I was once again a federal living witness victim-survivor.

I'm ready, are you? Can you handle it? Can you handle the truth?

I'm counting down waiting for proceedings to begin correctly. because they do not get to use truth serum and bypass my rights to my life story. Nor to let any sabotage and use it to manipulate the outcome each time, for my life has been no safer, no happier, and continually the wrong resolutions, because of others thinking their opinions and feelings mean more and it is my life, past, present, and future.

Killers of all kinds had been after me and me blanked, I so do not know how to accept so many different types of people wanting & attempting to put me to death and not just terrorists but also those close to me, no witness protection program made my life any safer or happier.

I also found proof that I was transferred to Monticello Clinic Hospital in KY when I was at three days old due to my poor health and danger after being in the womb for 9 months and the danger that I and my bio mom was in. It didn't help any, for it's made me the most unloved person, with the most two-faced people you could imagine, acting and pretending that they care and love me. Half or more of than half the time, they are the ones that are also trying and attempting to end my life and do me so much wrong and harm.

I don't like much of the facts and details, cause so many crappy people to want to nitpick and rob me for their gain over petty things that's happened thru the other years of my life which didn't and shouldn't even be brought up, all so they can manipulate my life even further. They let others around me make deals behind my back then they are willing to keep sabotaging me to a degree that is unimaginable but so true.

I will not be ordered around, it caused me to cling to one who wants me dead as well, it cause me to become a battered wife syndrome person, when it was in my face, right before my eyes. How much that there was nothing but wrongful intent all along. I was and am a strong woman, I do not need to be beaten on, I am not a strong muscled physically fighting type person, I am a passive caring tender person, I can verbally argue with the best of them, but I prefer peace, non-physical violence, as I am not violent.

I am a proud person, and I will not be silent on these issues and things, I choose to stand up for myself. It's time to love myself as much as God loves me, and any who can't understand that, well, I don't know what to tell them, I am who I am. I am Debbie, and it is my choice and right.

God understands how legally right I am. I am technically single and not yet legally thru the courts, but it is thru God's eyes, he stands with me, and that is comfort, regardless of who else looks at it this way or doesn't look at it this way. It is my life, just like when my first marriage ended.

Written By:

Deborah Kim B-Kennedy


All Rights Reserved

Bouvier, Guffey, Garner, Colver, Hicks,

G-, B-, K-


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