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Updated: Feb 26, 2022


Praceptis salutaribus moniti, et divina institutione formati, audemus dicere:

Orem'us. ster, qui es in coelis: ' sanctificetur nomen tuum: 'adveniat regnum tuum: ' fiat voluntas tua, sicut in coelo, et in terra. ' Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, ' et dimitte nobis debita nostra, ' sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris, 'Et ne nos inducas in tentationem:

Sed libera nos a malo.



Dear Mr. S*****s,

Thank you for responding. I am glad to hear from you. I must inform you that you have a few minor details wrong in this filing on my behalf, SO I WOULD LIKE TO CLARIFY.

1. I was not born yet when my father U.S. President John F Kennedy was assassinated. I was in the womb. I do personally feel that all that follows is all connected to it. I am U.S. President John F Kennedy's youngest biological daughter, and his wife First Lady Jacqueline "Jackie" Lee Bouvier-Kennedy (Onassis)'s adopted, daughter. All confidential arrangements were made and filed prior to the assassination. Due to the witness seeing Oswald in book depository signal someone (shooter) and declare "In the name of Allah" I was born in New York on July 29, 1964, and due to danger issues and health issues, was placed in witness protection program at 3 days old, only immediate household members knew, their family members never knew, it was covered up as if I was their child. However, I did have a relationship with my mother Jackie, my sister Caroline, my brother John, and My uncles - Bobby (up till his death) & Ted (till age 7). I went back n forth secretly to and with them. Many memories now of us all being together, memories of being on East Coast and back too with Witness Protection Family, back n forth is how it continued. As I describe and tell of events to follow, let it be known, I was with my family "The Kennedys" each time of the kidnappings I am telling about to come in this letter.

2. I was with my Uncle Robert F Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in April 1968, I was 3 1/2 years old when I was kidnapped for the first time. My abductors took me to a hotel in Memphis Tennessee. I was standing there a hostage when I witnessed them assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the shooter was a woman, however, James Earl Ray was present in the room, along with others as well, April 1968, when she fired the shot, I was standing at the window beside her and attempted to jump, wanting to stop the bullet, and was grabbed and stopped, as they were not done with me, and I guess a child splattered on the ground would have given away their location.

After shooting Mr. King, they continued to hold me hostage, and took me to Canada, to an old two-story white house in the country. Their leader flew into Canada in a helicopter, a very young "Osama Bin Laden", he and his first in command - the woman named "Brenda" - and a crew of men. When the leader got there, he and his men took me upstairs to a bedroom, placed me on an American flag, there were symbols all around the room, signs, and symbols, he performed what I call a "satanic ritual" on me, then they each raped me. Later, I did escape once and made it as far as a stream, and was re-caught by them. I was held captive for at least 3 days or more, and the woman Brenda, had a doctor come and professionally burn her hands/fingerprints in front of me and. Prior to them making their escape, one of them with a giant machete, all standing in the living room, looked at me and said "She can walk and talk", and he pulled his machete up in the air. I began to run, he caught the heel of my right foot with the blade and cut off a sliver of my heel, causing me to stumble, and then he proceeded with taking a machete and slicing me almost half n half across the abdomen. I lay there dying as they made their getaway. I was fading in and out of consciousness, my life leaving me, as I saw thru the door, the military coming toward the house, the killers were already gone. The American military and the Canadian military come barreling in, and as they began to attend to me, I did leave life for a short bit and entered heaven, but was sent back by God, after spending time with Jesus & God, and military personal revived me. I was flown to the city of my witness protection family's home of Indianapolis Indiana. They covered up what happen by telling all that my appendix ruptured, and that I had a pump knot on my heel, and that prior to appendix rupturing, I had diarrhea. I believe they assumed my appendix was splattered on the wall and/or floor of that horror house in Canada, but it was not. In early 1985 at the age of 21, a Dr. Jaroslav Marik of Tyler Medical Clinic along with a team of world specialists at the St. Johns Baptist Hospital in Los Angeles performed a surgery on me which revealed that my appendix was grown into my leg muscles of the bend of my right leg, it was functioning, but they did remove it, also it was found that all my internal organs were matted together with adhesions, in one big giant ball, they had to cut apart my organs and place plastic around each, and the plastic was left in for 3 months, then removed. More issues were I had HPV cervical cancer, in which part of my cervix had to be removed, also bowel blockage and part of my bowel had to be removed, there were also three ulcers found in the esophagus. The doctors told me after surgery, that my female organs were the same way, and I would need surgery/repair work on them too, and that I may never have children. I tried to hire a lawyer after these discoveries and was denied a lawyer, each telling me I had to have "Dr. Moss records". (See I had another problem/issue going on as well, I had no memory at all of anything before age 7 except for a bite of toast in a hospital at age 3 1/2 and very little memory of things between age 7 1/2 and 9 1/2. After witness protection, guardian/mother figure died in April 1974, A doctor-induced amnesia on me this way, but I did not know the details then of why I had no memory and why I was being denied legal representation, now I do). When Wanda died of mesothelioma & ovarian cancer, I was stable, mentally and emotionally. Once they performed their induced amnesia I began to have PTSD, I also from that point on, never dreamed in my sleep, only at times I would wake to the fact that I was falling in mid-air, and would be grabbing the sides of the bed, that is how life stayed. I never realized that fact till several years back - about 7 or 8 years ago.) I suffer from pain in my abdomen and in the bend of my right leg and have since 1968 and still do to this day.

Also when they flew me back to Indpls. Indiana, and at Community Hospital East was performing surgery, I awoke during surgery, they were operating on my vagina, and this surgery - that is what they labeled as an appendix surgery, but that is not what it was, as is obvious by 1985's surgery(ies), it was a vaginal surgery.

3. I was laying in the bed, due to stomach and foot, I believe still in hospital, and I was being guarded, either FBI or U.S. Marshall or ?, we were watching my Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy give his campaign speech in California, as he left the stage and was going thru the kitchen, camera swang to the outside of the building and there she was, that woman who kidnapped me just months prior, "Brenda", I told them, I said "there she is", then the camera went back inside and Bobby exited out of the kitchen and Sirhan Sirhan shot him. That woman was somewhere around there, however, she was not arrested, she escaped. Now if she worked with Sirhan Sirhan, or her boss did and he did not know her, maybe she was there for backup to make sure the assassination went down, I do not know.

At the time of my Uncle Bobby's funeral, is where I was told we were headed, but that is not where the FBI/CIA/U.S. Marshall/? whoever took me to, he/they took me back to the scenes of the crimes in Memphis Tennessee, and Canada, and I did not get to attend my Uncle Bobby's funeral. Instead, I relived what happened in April 1968, I remember telling them as we were leaving "headed to a funeral, I so thought", that "I don't mind the pain".

4. When I was 5 years old, again I was visiting with my family the Kennedys, I was kidnapped again, by this same woman, Brenda, she was wearing a black wig, and had a small crew of men with her again. Whilst being held captive a second time by them, I again was raped. I again was rescued but perpetrators escaped.

5. At the age of 6, the first of two at the age of 6, I was again kidnapped from my Kennedy family, this time by the KKK, they took me to a warehouse where helicopters sounded above, and not long bullets began to fly, there was a massive shootout. I was rescued.

6. Again as so stated above, the second time at age 6, I was with my Kennedy family visiting and was kidnapped again, by one man this time and he was also a member of the KKK. He took me to a cave and held me, I escaped once from him and was recaught by him, it was a rural remote area. He raped me in the cave, and again I briefly met Jesus (for the second time and spoke with him), and did not die though, I lived and I was again rescued.

7. At the age of 7, unfortunately, I again was kidnapped while visiting with my family the Kennedys, this time again by the KKK, they took me to a remote place in the woods attending one of their ceremonies, where they were burning a cross and lots of them in robes and heads covered, I was again rescued.

8. I want to make it know that I was in danger at the witness protection home as well. One of witness protection guardian Wanda's husband's brothers made a sexual attempt upon me, at age 4. (also, after Wanda's death, her husband who I was left with attempted to rape me at age 10, and made an unwanted sexual attempt upon me at age 15/16 timeframe as well).

while I am speaking of this let me bring up that when I was 7 1/2 Wanda's husband "Sammie Bruce Garner" chased me with a shotgun wanting me dead, also after her death, I was abused in many ways by him and his son. He had his son shooting me with a BB gun in the knee caps because he did not want me to pray. When I was in high school, Bruce would beat on me, and say off the wall comments that I so did not understand because I had been induced with amnesia. Once at the age of 12, I was in my room, and he hollered for me to come to the front porch, as I walked out the front door to the porch, they had a cat I had been feeding in the alley, his son poured gasoline on the cat and Bruce lit it on fire, the cat ran off around to the back of the home and the back door was open into the laundry room and it caught the laundry room on fire. The reason for him doing this is he was being investigated by the FBI for him and his son who was younger than I, for breaking a man out of prison. Many incidences occurred before I turned of age to be able to leave, but this one stands out as I know he was trying to force the memory of my age 3 1/2 now. I knew he wasn't my father, my whole life I knew that, even after induced amnesia, but I felt stuck with the story, and so I pretended and I didn't talk about these things, except for his sexual attempts and I didn't have to speak of the black eyes and bruises, because all did know he was physically abusive to me. I did my best to keep my chin up and act like life wasn't as bad as it was, back then, and even after for the first part of my early adult life as well.

Oh, believe me, I was so proud and happy to know he wasn't my true father, and it internally was very satisfying just having that personal knowledge, even if no one else knew, I began telling the fact of him not being my father and more finally in 1990. I had the start of memories returning from age 3 1/2, but only a tiny bit of, and the knowledge of being President John F. Kennedy's daughter, was about all I had remembered, then:

9. I was kidnapped again on April 25, 1992, from my home of 9575 Zing Dr. #104, Phelan, California. - His badge name read "Gilbert Nercardo", he was Hispanic and very muscled:

(The first time I had been home alone and my child not there with me, as only he and I was residing there, his father had moved out and in with a friend by the name of Kurt Jones.)

There was a knock on the front door, I looked thru the peephole and all I could tell was that the person was wearing a law uniform, so I opened the door, thinking it was an official good officer of the law. As I opened the door, I dropped my eyes to his badge to be able to address him by name, which was a mistake to do, because as I did, he took the butt end of his pistol his right hand and gave me a blow to the back of the head knocking me unconscious, and from that first lick onward, I had severe vertigo the whole remaining time and still have episodes today of vertigo, that comes and goes, I have a lesion in my head with fluid around it, and occasionally have a "loss of conscience spells" too.

I awoke chained by my wrists and ankles up off the floor with nothing underneath me in a camper, held hostage. The man was severely brutal, extremely violent, he continually beat me to the head, tortured me, and continually raped me. I know for a fact I saw the sunrise at least 17 times, when he thought I was dead because my breath was so faint, I was limp and lifeless yet clinging on to life for all I had in me, him thinking I was dead, he wrapped me in a blanket and drove me to out in the Mojave desert, dumping/throwing my body out around the death valley area.

I will sum this up as quick as possible since this is not a courtroom, when he threw me out on the ground, the dirt sand desert floor, I landed on my back, and the pain in the center of my back caused me to take a gasp of air, a gasp of breath, he did not realize it, because I was wrapped up in that blanket and he drove off. The average daily temperatures of where I lived and where he disposed of my body was 114 to 117 daily, as I am sure you know, and I did not enter heaven in this almost-death experience, but I sure was knocking on its door and suffered extremely beyond your wildest imagination, and still suffer today from and over.

(I had to have T10,11,12 disc on right side removed and have an open spinal cord area there, among also having other ruptured discs in my back and neck as well, and suffer from pain, spasms, and more, along with other health issues to due to this, amongst some of them being nerve damages, panic attacks, anxiety, burned feet bottoms and more.)

.As he drove off, I waited till I no longer heard the sound of the vehicle, I unwrapped naked self and keeping blanket, attempted over and over to walk but mostly could only crawl, it was at least 3 days before I was found by two people in a pick-up truck, but they did not take me to a hospital, they took me to a homeless shelter in Adelanto California, where I was thrown into a bed after they put some clothes on me, and that is where I lay unable to get up, unable to speak, unable to eat or drink, unable to do anything but lay there and everything spin around in circles. While I lay there in that bed, I don't know how long later, I was attacked again, but a woman walked in and pulled the man off of me. I know they called the law, as all spun around (vertigo) I still could make out 2 women speaking to an officer, he did not speak with me, as I was unable and I still was not took to a hospital.

Finally, at the very end of August in the year 1992, I was finally able to sit up for the first time, having to hold on to the side of the bed because of severe vertigo, and it was the first I was able to speak. I asked what date was, it was after my birthday, I had already lain there thru my birthday and it was even past the man I was still legally married to's birthday as well, August 26th. I eventually was seen by a doctor, who kept insisting I had schizophrenia and bipolar, along with other health issues. But schizophrenia and bipolar was being again another classified diagnosis, cover-up, I was however given my true paternal last name back of Kennedy, but I was only half declassified with another new classified case. I was unable to describe the man at the time, only that he was Hispanic and that his badge name was "Gilbert Nercardo", and that it was a camper I was held in. Also from the time of being found and took to this homeless shelter, I am guessing that it was sometime in May of 1992, and before I was able to raise up by holding on to the side of the bed at the end of August 1992, I was not fed at that homeless shelter, not only did I not receive proper and prompt attentive health care, I also did not have anything to eat or drink from? May, till the end of August? 1992. It was gross negligence by the Calfornia Homeless Shelter of Adelanto California, run by a woman named "Livvy", I believe was her name, my medical records will reveal her name and location of, also I should have been receiving at least a minimum of Social Security on my biological true father "President John F Kennedy, & have not and still say it should be owed to me, only been receiving SSI, and my true name. (Also, I know I was in my father's will when he died in 1963 and I was in the womb, the money was placed in a locked trust fund, and disappeared in 1974 when President Nixon's administration, had me medically-induced amnesia, I am similar to "Jett Williams" case on this part, very much so). I also want a copy of my true birth certificate of President John F Kennedy and Jackie L Bouvier-Kennedy.

Some many years back, I looked at picture after picture after picture and was not able to pick him out of any that was shown to me. Then in 2015, his face just popped out of my head, I finally was able to identify the man known to me as "Gilbert Nercardo". I so now can be public, not classified, nor half classified, fully declassified.

Now I can talk about, and now I should be allowed a lawyer and I guess what you are doing and filing for me here, with Crime Victims Compensation Board, and I wait for his arrest and for justice to be served to help me with some closure and put all that part to rest in my head, and I speaking about it publicly to try to help as well, in several support groups.

I am too at this time separated from my second husband with a 3-year renewable DVO order in place and going to be divorcing as well, I have also been an abused wife for the last 17-years, "battered wife syndrome", and have been speaking and talking in several support groups for this as well.

#1 & #2

The other 6 times I have had interaction with Jesus and the Holy Spirit have not been during any kidnappings except for the first ONE AT age 3 1/2 incident and the second ONE AT age 6 incident.

I back in 2004, ONE WAS I - felt Jesus take my hand and he let me know "that all is going to be alright".

Then about 8 or 9 years ago, one was -I was shown a sign from heaven of blushing babies and toddlers in the sky, playing, toddling, and crawling, the sky was completely full of, very beautiful. I did not know the full meaning of it at the time, but I believe I do now.

Then last year, I had four more interactions with, Jesus who appeared here in my living room, of 95 Parmleysville Rd. Monticello, Ky 426633, on February 1, 2020,

then again after that, giving me reminders/telling and showing me, of I with his father God (us holding hands & walking) and he told me "I took you to my Father" and he showed me, thru his eyes.

And once again he appeared telling and showing me, a reminder of age 6 about Moses,

Then the remainder of my memories after this began to come and fill in most of what all else I had not yet remembered of each.

Also after these three incidences here during the year 2020,

Also, in the year 2020, I was at the hospital because of soon to be ex sister n law Lisa had surgery for removal of cancer from her breast, prior to the doctor coming in, I was sitting there looking at her, and the Holy Spirit flooded thru me, and I saw a glow of light all around her and the Holy Spirit told me "she is cancer-free", then shortly after that her doctor came into the recovery room and told her he got all of cancer and that she was cancer-free.


Please make these corrections in your filings. I try not to write to confusing, as I know it can be hard to comprehend and understand completely when reading especially. Feel free to contact me in regards to any questions, I am happy to answer.

I have been writing on a blog site

about these things and more, however, I have had repeated hacks to my writings, someone whacking them up to be hard to comprehend and be readable to a point of even trying to understand. I have over 100 articles written plus poems, recipes, talk groups, and so on, and it is hard because I can't check each one of these items every day to verify that no one has tampered with any of them, then before I realize it I find many was/is/are tampered with and have to pull and re-fix.

Feel free to log on and read, if any looks messed up, please notify me promptly though is what I ask of all.

They had no right to take my right to know in 1974, it endangered MY LIFE & LIVES OF OTHER AMERICANS:

nor did they have any right to take the accounts set up for me from my father's estate, set up by my Mother Jackie and Uncle Robert in 1963 and publishing arrangements in 1968 plus whatever else afterward by my Mother Jackie & my Uncle Ted,

nor did they have any right to not abide by my foster guardian Wanda's full will and publishing arrangement set up in 1973, INCLUDING DETAILS OF HER INVOLVEMENT, as my foster mother Wan** M M-Guffey-Garner and whatever all else her role was.


My medical records validate my claims, and I have been requesting DNA if need be, but I know, and now know fully what arrangement was completed and all that was taken,

I am like/similar to "Jett Williams".

I was E.I.T. Serum'd in 1984 state of California, possibly/probably 1993 state of California, in 1998 state of Kentucky, and 2016 state of Kentucky.

I have included medical insurance info of back since returning back to Kentucky at the end of 1993, also included social security card, and driver's license & license prior to renewal this last time as well, and proof that the family of my witness protection guardians, proving their story as wrong. Also a picture of the ad I have out of my blog site, too.

I am Deborah Kim Bouvier-Kennedy,

my witness protection last names identity was Guffey-Garner, of which I no longer need or desire to use, but have been known by

and I have also been known by my first ex-husband's last name of Colver and now the husband I am divorcing now #2, last name of Hicks, after a turmoil-ous relationship in which I have been a battered wife, it got severely bad again last year, but truthfully always was, I must admit the whole relationship has been. He has an extreme temper anger management control problem.

Growing up and as an adult, (even when married), till that tad of memory that came back in 1990 - my driver's license # started and starts with a K, I use to think that it stood for Kentucky, but I was young, all I knew and cared about back then at the time was that I had passed and gotten my driver's license, but after 1990 and since have realized that the letter your license is has to do with your last name. I also know that most women's letter changes when they marry to their husbands till divorce, but mine has never and I love that part, and that can stay that way, as I so wish to have my Kennedy name reinstated once again on all my records, as I am public, not any classified, not even a tiny bit, completely declassified now.

My driver's license in the state of Kentucky, number K**-***-***, and is what it was prior to marrying in 2004 and prior to that before that as well in California also a K, etc.


Deborah Kim G-B-Kennedy Hicks

** Parmlesyville Rd. Monticello, Ky. 42633

1-606-396-**** landline home number, no cell phone

Birthday 07/29/1964 New York

primary email -

secondary email - hicksdeb*****

third email - *kennedy**** - I use only for school purposes

Please update any records and filings accordingly. Thank You

I know this is all complicated to try to explain and keep in the right order to be able to follow what I am saying, but I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.

I did so sustain physical, emotional, psychological trauma from and by the hands of the killers and by the hands of our government handling it the way it was all handled, and I continue to suffer from and will as long as I so live, I will suffer from physically and emotionally/etc., that-this I know.

Pain, suffering and damages, past present and future.

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