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'Deborah's Prayer Story' Lord, Help me - Here We Go-

Updated: May 8, 2023

Domine Jesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, qui ex voluntate Patris, cooperante Spiritu Sancto, per mortem tuam mundum vivificasti: libera me per hoc sacrosanctum Corpus et Sanguinem tuum ab omnibus iniquitatibus meis, et universis malis: et fac me tuis semper inhaerere mandatis, et a te numquam separari permittas. Qui cum eodem Deo Patre et Spiritu Sancto vivis et regnas Deus in secula saeculorum.


"The day I saw the blushing babies and toddlers in the sky," God said to me, "yes, Deborah", see, & I reply "yes Lord", "I'll give it one heck of a try, I'll do the best I can with what I have to work with", "these are not false", my memories to start back up regaining early childhood and before testimonies (& spring '92).

Simply put - I shall never divorce the Presidents & the people of this great nation.

"Hand over my classified files and accounts Washington DC"

In regards to a poem I wrote titled "Mamma, Mamma, Mia" it is in reference to the following:

Mamma (Jackie adopted mom), Mamma (Wanda foster mom), Mia (me)

(& I have not checked yet, but I hope it hasn't been hacked & whacked on like all else I am encountering, anybody can have a bad day, but for others to do such and try to scapegoat off of in that way is wrong.)

I so did not need so "twisted in the wind", for lack of a better way of wording it.


My father President John Kennedy, Uncle Robert Kennedy, & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -

The stories of our lives & how they intertwine. We are one on this. It's our American History & Biology & the gavel to go with it & it is equal to the masses of this nation & world of ours that God created,

in our best interest first and foremost & of this nation.

I feel/believe, all have the right to relevant history of ancestry and relevant fact, with & without fear of violating anyone's rights of what to be known and not be known, & with the right to reveal my real mom and dad's conception story of me & testimonies (relevant & needed as I see relevant) & life story of such. My rights as a citizen, (ex)wife, mother & grandmother, for it is God's will for this to be known correctly without shame or blame, as I am getting older waiting for proper channels & way to do this orally correct from memories of trauma past & past happy times, the good & the bad, do hereby release, that which is the truth of court, I a living witness survivor rights to tell sworn under oath before God & all to know, THUS BE WHAT'S RIGHT UNCONFIDENTIALIZED & UNCLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE TRUTH & GOD IN HEAVEN AGAINST THOSE EVIL DEVILS AND THE HAPPINESS THEY DESTROYED AND WHAT THEY TOOK FROM ALL OF US. THE DAYS OUR DADDY'S, UNCLE'S & MLK WAS ASSASSINATED, BEFORE WHAT FOLLOWED AND THEREAFTER RELEVANT TO THIS. I AM NO ONE ELSE AND NO ONE ELSE IS I, IT IS MY RIGHT TO UNTWINE AND STRENGTHEN OUR BIND, IN GOD'S NAME, I PRAY,


The man who abducted me in spring '92 is a big deal, his face, I kept saying I'll know it when I see it, but I couldn't describe it till 2015, after all these years from 1992 to 2015, not being able to pick or describe, I so finally was able to.

My dad President John F Kennedy who is in heaven, I wish I would have got to have a life on earth here with him as he intended for it to be, his love for his kids was overwhelming. I understand my brother John Jr. in some ways more than others could; although I only knew him when we were small children, and Caroline too whom I am estranged from & wish not to be, due to me being super classified & Dr. Moss records & repeated major traumas that happened.

I have now remembered things from ages 2 thru 7 & more of ages 7 to 9.

I am as you know

Deborah Kim Bouvier-Kennedy


Guffey, Garner

Colver, Hicks,

G-, B-, K-



Born Classified and put in witness protection program at three days old. Then abducted & suffered horrific trauma galore at ages 3, 5, 6, 7, and 26, along with other abuse in and during my life over such, from the other direction in my life some.


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