I am not able to contribute to any fundraisers/donations at whim.
I must inform you that I do not & have not funded/donated by messenger services/etc. to anyone.
If I so desire to donate/fund monies to anyone for any cause,
it will not be handled in this way or type/fashion.
I donate to whom I want when I want, when I can afford to do so.
I like all American's are not required to give/donate/etc to anyone whom so desires it.
I donate according to the causes I want when I can so afford to do.
I donate according to my budget, when I can so afford to do, as I have to live also.
I am sure all can understand that.
I am not a bank, & cannot bank anyone/everyone as any so want(s)/desires.
God Bless You all and I wish you well.
In Jesus name, AMEN
This is a generated message to all.
HANC igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae, sed et cunctae familiae tuae, queasesumus, Domine, ut placatus accipias: diesque nostros in tua pace disponas, atque ab aeterna damnatione nos eripi, et in electorum tuorum jubeas grege numerari, Per Christum Dominum nostrum,
QUAM oblationem tu, Deus, in omnibus, quaesumus, bene dictam, adscrip tam, ra tam, rationabilem, acceptabilemque guis fiat dilectissimi Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi.