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Updated: Oct 19, 2021

SUSCIPE, sancta Trinitas, hanc oblationem, quam tibi offerimus ob memoriam Passionis, Resurrectionis, et Ascensionis Jesu Christi Domini nostri: et in honorem beatae Marieae semper Virginis, et beati Joannis Baptistae, et ssanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, et istorum, et omnium Sanctorum: ut illis proficiat ad honorem, nobis autem ad salutem: et illi pro nobis interecedere dignentur in coelis, quorum nobis intercedere dignentur in coelis, quorum memoriam agimus in trris. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. AMEN

Don't you think, America is mature enough for the truth yet?

All this below, was my right to collect and receive and not anyone else's right to collect or receive, this is America, and they got to answer to me about timeline and amount and all else, not anybody else, in a court of law, it is only my right, as long as I am alive and breathing, it is my right that I have not and would not and never will give away to anyone nor can or could they take. No crazy person/ or person making any type of claim against me or about me can collect for any reason, our justice system is not set up like some third-world country with no justice system or rights/etc. for individuals. I am an individual. So here is a list I have been seeking for settlement on for decades and still await. Only I am me, nobody else is or can be or ever will be, and I am none of you:

1. On Nov. 22, 1963, my father President John (Jack) F Kennedy was assassinated. Prior to his assassination, all legal arrangements/paperwork/etc. had been made, he already overwhelming loved me. All was already signed, filed, and sealed, then delivered, done deal, he thought ahead for his family. I was in his will, millions, I inherited like Caroline & John Jr. & when settled/paid out, it was locked in a trust fund. So, I was born rich. All filed w/courts prior to Texas, before & after Tx., at U.S Supreme Court. Have yet to have the account turned over to me, and I am certain that I was to receive all by my 25th birthday, and it is not anyone's right to sue me over, for, or about. It's personal, individually personal, not a public account or family account or right of either to take over, file for, pursue after, or take advantage for me for or about/etc. It was in a locked trust fund in my name, that disappeared in 1974 & still unaccounted for.

2. 1968 - Uncle Robert F Kennedy, after what happened with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and me, put up millions, insuring & securing me & America, (& reverse classification had already been a part of the system with EIT/sodium pentothal/etc. ) All filed w/U.S. Supreme Court & the United Nations Court, and it so was/is including publishing rights for me, & classified diagnoses for then to the people but not from me as it was/is all's right to know their own health information, that's what I know now that I knew then, then I didn't know after 1974, then now know again.

So, this included America/the state of Tennessee, the city of Memphis & the country of Canada. Rescued by my heroes, the American military, & the Canadian military, Special thanks to both.

3. 1973, Wan** Ma* Mik**-(M*)Guffey-Garner was told she had cancer, she was my foster, also possibly my bio-surrogate mother and she had arrangements already w/Rodale Books for her story, she made a will, leaving all to me, 100% heir including publishing rights of her story to go with my story, & that included more than Xerox, which is still not been turned over to me & I await for to be turned over to me, as my right to collect and nobody else's right to collect or receive or to stop. Where is her memoir/manuscript?

And another thing, Wan** was locking my case, accounts & her life story all together where they would stay as Uncle Robert had it fixed. Not even Mother Jackie would have had the right to change this arrangement, that trust fund from my father's inheritance was already mine, and in my name and locked in a trust fund. And another thing, Wanda can't adopt me after she is dead, was she my bio-surrogate mother? Who agreed to become my foster mother due to danger in 1964, also health issues. No court had the legal right to do, nor any family member from any side or angle. None of the Kennedys or any other of my family members from any side have the right past, present, or future to do. It is not their right for them to have any say about the financials, not their right to collect, not the government or anyone else's right to deny me a lawyer for and about as has been being the case for decades, it is legally in the wrong of these courts and has been, like Je** Williams, except she was allowed legal representation were I still have not been. I think I have been being discriminated against and used by those that have no right to access serum for their own financial gains and interests.

4a. 1974 - President Nixon in the White House as President of the United States of America, & after

Wan**'s funeral, we went back to Indpls. Indiana and doctor-induced amnesia to me of all before age 7except for one bite of toast at the hospital Community East in Indianapolis Indiana, I was 9 1/2 years old, they had me sign all sorts of legal documents like I was an adult, and all of Wan**'s medical records & my medical records was destroyed by fire sprinklers at a storage facility going off & flooding them, there was no fire, just flooding from that is water. Now is it coincidence - Nixon/Watergate or irony? PTSD began right then Disney cartoonist who lived behind the home on Kildare Avenue in Indianapolis IN., yr.1974 &, etc., which I couldn't explain or understand. Also immediately, Bru** (foster stepdad) had his son, Ron***, began shooting me in the kneecaps because he didn't want me to pray anymore ever again, followed soon by other abuse by him as well, attempted sexual abuse (age 10), burning a cat intently in front of me to try to bring back what had been medical-induced-amnesia of age 3 and there was also, physical abuse by him to me (it was apparent he didn't like me unless people were around then he would pretend most of the time, but that part was already sort of that way, I am referring to age 7 1/2, he hated people having to be & being told I was his because I wasn't, was a big part of that problem.) My whole life had already been a life of secrets & continued,

I was born classified, I was taught to keep secrets, that it would be decided when it was time for all to be revealed, this was my childhood, it is my right to my life an, etc., not anyone else, so they can't say that the Nixon administration did not and has not caused me pain and suffering and damages, to my life. Especially my adult life. Damages are my right to claim and none other, so I still wait for justice that is my right to have, me, an individual, an individual right, my human right.

4b. Approximately1975-76 -- My foster step step-mother Cyn**** An* Ped***-Randolph Fo* Garner (Ker*)'s father Mr. Randolph would babysit Ronnie & me during the day sometimes along with her mother Mrs. Pet** in 1974 & 1975 because Cin** & Bru** would be gone all day. These babysitting, stays, we would go & spend time w/ them getting to know them, because they were now family, & Mr. Randolph and I started bonding over his stamp collection book, I found them interesting and would help him put his new old stamps in his book. I think he must have found out he was sick,

and Cin** never showed or cared for her father's stamp collection, so one day he told me they were mine. He gave them to me, I told him "Thank You" because I thought they were neat.

He didn't tell us he was sick or anything though. But after his death, my stamp book collection, after we moved into his home Cin** inherited.

The stamp book collection he gave me disappeared; I couldn't find them anywhere. I never did find out what happened to them. They were just gone, the house hadn't been robbed, we hadn't had any burglaries.

5. 1982 - I was not given Wan**'s autobiography memoir/manuscript, nor anything else except a small payout by Xerox of $5,000.00 that Bru** & Cin** had already dipped into several times, which I do not see how they can put this off this many years, and not settle with me right, for they can't give it to anyone else, it is not anyone else's right to collect or receive.

6. 1984 - I was single, & still to this day, the only time I have ever been under anesthesia at a dentist's office was in July of 1984 in Upland California. I only knew it to be regular anesthesia -

I awoke during it, & 2 men in suits were interviewing me, it was well into the anesthesia serum-ing, it's called EIT serum-ing, & the use sodium pentothal, which is known as "Truth serum". I didn't know that day when I left there, it was in 1987 when I began having flashes of these two men in suits interviewing me, it was all I could do to force my eyes open & I couldn't quit speaking, answering, replying. (Mild PTSD began immediately again, not as bad as mid-childhood, & nowhere near as severe as 1990 was a few times.)

Me answering all sorts of questions, (legal, testimonial, identity questions, etc.) Matter of fact all I knew even later of sodium pentothal when I looked it up was that it was anesthesia that use to be all the definition was when I looked it up, till 2016, then it told me "Truth serum" & in 1987, my then-husband "Ton*" didn't care, he dismissed it.

I was not wanted by anyone anywhere for any criminal offenses in 1984 or any other time I have been Serum'd, it is not what or why I was Serum'd or what for or in any connection with.

7a. 1984 - Rushed to the ER, Dr. says I need surgery, Calls social worker to the hospital, the social worker tells me and at that time my boyfriend Ant**** Le* Mar***-Raines-Colver that my Gemmel's Pharmacy Insurance won't pay for it, that we need to get married cause his union fire sprinkler insurance will cover it, it was Union 669, NASA (National Automatic Sprinkler Association). I had doubled over all at once, extreme pain to my mid stomach August 1984.

You know, I do think that the social worker was obligated to at least tell me about social security and my birth, and birthright (my true birth certificate), and more.

All my medical records will prove everything I say here and said as 100% truth.

7b. 1984 Also because of serum in July, at the time I didn't realize but now know, that it caused discrimination against me, such as, example: my foster step step-mother Cin** trying to move something to 1986 from 1987 over Ron***'s accident, and she was twisting tale over a short period in 1983 to the year 1985, calling me a junkie, & there was no way she could have known about that couple of months in Texas, & I still wouldn't have been or be called no junkie over, you can check my arms or anywhere else people do that & see I am telling t/ truth.

8. 1985 - Early 1985, Ton* took me to St. John's Baptist Hospital in Los Angeles and dropped me off, I was admitted to having surgery. During surgery, Dr. Jar***** Marik, of Tyler Medical Clinic had to call in a team of doctors, six world specialists had to come into the operating room, and

Dr. Marik also a world specialist. After surgery in the recovery room, I was lying there alone when Dr. Marik came in to talk with me afterward. He started by asking me "I thought you said your appendix ruptured when you were 3", I replied, "that's what I was told". He began by telling me that my appendix was in the bend of my right leg grown into my leg muscles & functioning, he had to remove it, he patted me on the hand and then began telling me that all my organs were matted together into one giant ball, that all my organs had to be cut apart and encased in plastic which had to stay in for 30 days, then be removed, and I had cervical cancer due to HPV and part of my cervix was removed. I also had bowel blockage, and if I hadn't come to the hospital that day for the surgery, I would have died, that in six-hour my bowels would have busted & ruptured & it would have killed me & part of my bowels had to be removed, etc., etc., etc. He had so much to say and tell me, i was in shock.

Oh, one more thing I want to mention, he said my female organs were the same way, that I would probably never be able to have kids, but that I could try & we would cross that bridge later and deal with all of that, for my female organs was still that way, they had not been operated on that day. My husband "Ton*" never came back to the hospital till the day I was discharged. I did however tell him all the doctor had said and all that was done in surgery.

When I got home, I began calling lawyers and was told by one after another that I needed Dr. Moss records to have a case, and I tried and called and was told that all records were destroyed by fire sprinklers, and I kept telling these lawyers, "But I have Community Hospital East of Indpls. Indiana records stating my appendix ruptured in 1968, and I got Dr. Marik and St. John's Hospital records saying they removed my appendix in 1985 from my leg", still each lawyer kept telling me that I needed Dr. Moss's records. I have been saying ever since then that they are in the wrong, wronged, and harmed, the United States having this fixed that way to where I am the one not represented is 100% in the wrong, all over 1974, it was not the people's body or the government's that went thru this specific trauma & physical damage, it is not their brain either, it was or isn't the people's life that was at stake that day when it happened, and the risk of me not knowing if they had been caught, what they looked like & if I needed to worry about running into them anywhere & if justice had been served. Any President not standing by me & also the FBI & being accurately represented legally and seeing to it that I got justice is in the wrong, morally, ethically, legally, etc. Emotionally,

mentally and physically wronged and harmed, where's the compassion, the understanding, the caring, etc., etc., etc. I am a citizen of the United States & a human being.

9a. 1985 - Tv Remote Control Finder Button on Tv's - I was swelled out like I was 6 or 7 months (at least) pregnant when I left the St. John's Baptist Hospital and returned to Alta Loma California, I wasn't getting around so well as to be expected after the type of surgery I had.

I was on medical leave from Gemmel's Pharmacy but had to notify them that I wasn't going to be able to return because I had plastic in my tummy around each organ that had to stay and be back in surgery again in 3 months, so I wouldn't be returning. I laid around the house.

On the couch, and in bed at first. When laying on the couch one day, I couldn't find the remote control and being swollen and with all that plastic the last thing I wanted to do was to get up and look under the couch for that remote because it hurt to try to bend down. That is when I said "Why don't they make a button on the tv that you can push to make the remote beep so you can locate it", and this is when my father n law at the time, Mik* Colver went and got the toothpaste squeezy thing from the bathroom and told me about how people become millionaires, by thinking up product ideas, one product idea made this person rich.

9b. 1986 my foster 1/2bio-surrogate brother had an accident, he and his father always had an attitude toward me over my foster bio-surrogate mother Wan** leaving me everything, and

I mean everything, publishing rights (Rodale Books) w/manuscript, her half of the real estate of the ownership of the home (which I never got any monies from either), 100+ heir, including her life insurance policy, including but probably/possibly not limited to a small one with Xerox.

10.1987- approximate - I started having flashes of being EIT Serum'd for witness testimonies without my knowledge or consent that it was being done, so they can't do that and then try to justify it with other information they find out of the things that happened to me as a young child and my true identity of Bouvier- Kennedy.

11. 1990 - Started having major PTSD is when it was and was meant to be - a birthday gift from my Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy and it was also a tiny bit of what happened in Canada in 1968, approximately during the middle of my pregnancy with my son who was by IVF of myself & first husband because I wanted a child. ad a son, and named him Mic**** A. Colver now goes by last name Garner, he wanted, and I let him do that when he was in high school over a nickname for football, the nickname of M.A.G. (I have at times used Garner-Kennedy signing because of merging my identities together, alias & birth, but my true name is Bouvier-Kennedy).

12. June 1990, Technically when Mic****'s father and I got technically divorced, although legally, the finalization date wasn't till December 21, 1992. Now some years back here, a few, I was needing a copy of that legal divorce record, and California kept claiming that they had no divorce on file, so I decided to get a bit creative, and I called back repeatedly attempting to get a copy of our divorce record with no luck, so I had court clerk look under every last name, seeking it.

13. I got told that I was not in foster step guardian/dad Sam*** Bru** Garner's will, in June 1990, and foster step step-guardian mom Cyn**** "Cin**" An* Randolph Fox Garner said I wasn't, yet she made me sign some legal paper(s) under duress and made me go back to California and said "for me to go back and get divorced right" and I thought that's what I was doing. Then 1 year later -

Bru**'s will got filed, a year after his death and it listed that I was 25% heir and like I had got paid/inherited, but I didn't receive any money, he had two places, one farm w/ two bed one bath, house, barn, and ten acres land and storage building, etc, and also down the road from there was a house and small plot of land. Well, I sure didn't receive any money from this inheritance, not one red cent, so some took it as well, maybe it was Cin** and Ron*** or?, maybe they thought well if the government can do it so can we, I don't know, but there it was, it happened again, or did someone use it to pay for me to be assassinated by Nercardo ?

14. 1992- when I got divorced, I had signed a power of attorney with the IRS back in 1984 for a tax attorney to do my taxes and he did my taxes the whole time I lived there & was w/Ton* from 1983 taxes to 1992 taxes and in 1986 the loan company for our home and land had me to sign -

"a quitclaim" for Ton* to get the loan, they told me, that I didn't have the credit score, but it would not take away from my rights to t/equity of the home, but it would make me not responsible for t/loan on the home and land, so when we got divorced, I thought that it would sell and payoff loan and then the equity would be split between Ton* and I, but I was awarded nothing. The law did not do their legal obligation. Ton* was awarded all, wrongly and unjustly so.

15. 1992 - when I was awarded SSI, I should have also been awarded social security at least of my father's President John F Kennedy's, but I also should have been given back my inheritance he left me too, and another thing, in 1984, why did I have to marry Ton*, when even if Gemmel's Pharmacy insurance wouldn't cover and say I wasn't supposed to get my estate till age 25 of my father President John F Kennedy like with precious memory that Uncle Robert fixed up, why was I not given my father President John Kennedy's social security and insurance that way till age 25 and my locked trust fund estate given to me of his, because it did payout in 1963/64 and was in a locked trust fund it was put, which was robbed from me then in 1974.

16.1994/95/96 Child Support Orders - The Fathers of my children Mic**** "Mik*" & Che***** were ordered to pay less than the state minimum child support of anyone else in the county, country. The minimum was for, from, by state KTAP office of any child was $186.00 per month to the custodial parent unless private arrangement amongst parties/parents is in place. I received on who I did get support on, only $161.00 per month when I did draw, on whom I did. - Wayne County KY.

17. 1995, the month of February, when I gave birth to my daughter in Albany Ky. Who has ever heard of a hospital not having ANY scissors, Doctor sent a Nurse to go get a pair of episiotomy scissors when I was giving birth, and the Nurse came back and said that there were no scissors in the whole hospital, Clinton County Hospital in Albany, Kentucky, the hospital director placed outside the trauma room where I was giving birth, worried about my baby and I surviving, is what I think.


Oh, there is more to go on thru the years, but the article is getting so long, let's skip to a couple of things below and I will close this article for now and pick this topic back up later on the rest of/about above:


I have a lot of years to go with the above, and I want it noted, that in Jan or Feb of 2019, I was heading to the doctor's office w/my medical paperwork that I had filled out that morning, and we (my technical ex-husband not yet legal yet), G M Hicks Sr and I was headed to Lexington KY, where I had been assigned to see three doctors, and was headed to Dr. Moe's office for an appointment, and we needed something cold to drink and snack, so we stopped at a store, and I went in to make quick shopping trip leaving my purse and medical paperwork in the vehicle with Mr. Hicks. When we got to the doctor's office, I handed my paperwork over to the receptionist, and as she handed me back each page individually, I noticed on a page that didn't need a signature on it had a signature now/all of a sudden on it, and the signature read "Pauline Schlepnik or Scholnik" signed on it, and I do not know who this is, but they had no right to sneak this woman's signature on my paperwork behind my back without my knowledge or consent on to medical paperwork that needed nobody's signature on it but mine and that was all.


Wellcare & AETNA are the medical insurance companies in this with me. I had the right and have the right to a respected amount of privacy, and the right to my American rights of human rights, civil rights, privacy rights, HIPPA rights, A.D.A. rights, and this is inhumane of him and his accomplices to do to me, and I will not agree to this and the way I have been done.

Also, I have a Passages of KY medical caseworkers, had Ina Hunter at first and Mr. Hicks wouldn't let me answer the phone when she called, so I had to get resigned to H. New & a therapist named Sara. Thus t/reason for my live blog site, because I was writing all down on paper, rough draft manuscript and notes, and Mr. Hicks Sr. stole a few pages and ripped up many pages, and I have had to tape back together ALL the pages he ripped up, and they are all out of order and I am working on this, it is not the final draft of my autobiography manuscript/book, but it is factual truth. The FBI has been notified of all and of this site. I stand w/my grandfather clauses, Serum is to be done with and only as "REVERSE CLASSIFICATION" as arranged for me by my Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy in 1968 at the U.S. Supreme Court and the United Nations court, also registered in 1963 with the U.S. Supreme Court.


I use to think the K stood for Ky years ago because I was blanked at age 9 1/2 and got my driver's license at age 16, I didn't know, & I didn't know who my bio father was during that period. Now I know it is President John "Jack" F Kennedy, when dealing with amnesia of any type, all you can say is "all I know so far", till you know more, and now I do.

If you break into my home and leave a gift, I own that gift, from that moment, and I do want I want with it and say want I want about it, just like if you give me a gift as one woman did, same thing, gifts/has no bearing on my truths of all the rest of my life and all this stuff I am talking about my life on this blog site mostly, and I am including other categories too. I do my best not to make any typos and be 100% accurate. I swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me GOD. All relevant information as my Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy (who was assassinated in 1968) so legally filed it to be done and handled, he was a United States Attorney General, you know, and the smartest man I ever got to know.


They so do not have the right to twist/upside-down it/etc., to force and use of against you/the victim-survivor with, that is blackmail.


August 2021, I called the phone company needing to speak to technical support, they informed me that someone called and put a cell phone contact number back on my account. I told them, I called in March, making sure there was in place, removing access to all but me, they replied, "yes, but this was just called in adding", I asked the number and they told me, it was the same cell phone number I had removed in March 2021 of Mr. Hicks's, back on my account again. I removed it again, I do not have a cell phone. I have reported this DVO order violation that Mr. Hicks has broken, to D.A. Mr. Simmons. You know, it's the silliest thing. Do people think I have legal trouble of some kind in California, I don't, nope. So, he & whoever think they going to blackmail me &/or play head games, &/or etc. for whatever reason or whatever else they can try to bring up, no you're not, your days of directing & ruining my life are OVER. This manipulated way of conducting the legal in my life, which has been so inflicted upon me wrongly and unjustly when it comes to all this stuff.

Serum/E.I.T./Scanning/etc. -

1. Testimonies of/for God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Heaven (although I don't know if they can capture the Spirit or not), I will wait to hear their answer, but it's truth. As I am one that has proven the true existence of God, Jesus, and Heaven as fact, I now await to

know about the Holy Spirit, if they captured it, as it so happens, just as real and true as God, Jesus & Heaven. Three new one's last year, the year of 2020.

2. Identity - As anybody's identity must be known when swearing-in to tell the truth.

3. Testimonies - Against Killers (Murder & Attempted Murder)

4. Medical - As it should be allowed and allotted for use of for in person's best interest.

Otherwise, it is bias, prejudice, discrimination & revictimization of the survivor, you do not strip a living victim-witness survivor's rights, as they are every bit of an American citizen as all other citizens, the right to life, the right to live, the right to freedom as so declared in the constitution of the United States, this/that goes extremely beyond badgering, and it is so overruled.

You will be in contact with all sorts of people over the course of a lifetime regardless of how short or long life is; some types confidential, some private, some open as a book, some silly, some serious, and it is their right to be, just as it is your right to be one or more.

I have never taken a life or attempted to try to take a life, I believe in self-defense & there is such a thing as accidents, accidents happen, they are a part of life, unplanned.


Written by me:

Deborah Kim G-B-Kennedy Hicks


All rights reserved -

My rights & all that goes with, I will keep.

And I do not and have not - conspire to take anyone's life or rights or freedom.

I hereby swear I do believe I have the right to hold that "eye in the sky"/show responsible for any & every mistake I have made, cause & for what I been put thru, as a blessed person chosen by - God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and as a living victim &/or witness survivors of deadly intent crimes/death/attempted death upon to take human lives - (preplanned/instant, people who can't control their aggressions & temper & some think that they shall not ever have to answer for, that they have the right to take a life whenever they so feel or want to), intent is intent, only law & military/etc. have that right.

Debbie Kim Kennedy


My ideas, beliefs, etc.; I am like any other human, they are me, they are a big part of me, and my right to be a human and an American and my right to be.

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