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Asperges me, ut supra. Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam. Et salutare tuum da nobis. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

Cleanse me of sin. Show us, O Lord, Your kindness. And grant us Your salvation. O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come to You.

Alleluia, AMEN


Release Date 1971

Album - I Wanna Be Free

Well, I look out the window and what do I see?

The breeze is a-blowin' the leaves from the trees everything is free, everything but me

I'm gonna take this chain from around my finger

And throw it just as far as I can sling 'er 'cause I wanna be free

When my baby left me everything died

But a little bluebird was singin' just outside, singin' twiddle-de-dee fly away with me

Well you know I think I'm gonna live, gotta lotta love left in me to give

So I wanna be free

I released my heart my soul and my mind and I'm a feelin' fine

I broke the chains, the ring of gold before it broke my mind

Well look who's cryin' and it ain't me but I can't hardly hear and I can't half see

Oh I wanna be free

I released my heart, my soul...

Do I wanna be free, yeah I wanna be free, free

Loretta Lynn

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