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"MS. DECEMBER - DO YOU REMEMBER?" - By: Debbie K Kennedy - (version 1 of this poem)

Updated: Dec 29, 2021

First a short prayer -

Graciously hear us, O holy Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God; and be pleased to send down from heaven Your holy angel, that he may watch over, foster, safeguard, abide with and defend all who dwell in this house. Through Christ our Lord.


I wrote this based on a cute philosophical view/way of looking at things.

Sorta think of me when I was a child talking with (Princess) Diana Spencer.

It is got some facts, some philosophy, some mythology, some religion in it, it's a mix.

"Hey now, Do You Remember?" "No, I don't, Ms. December" "Look at this picture, remember it?" "No, I don't, not even a tiny bit" "Do you any remember, Your family on the East?" "Who? No, Ms. December, Not in the least." "Do you remember The Fall?" "No, Ms. December, Not at all" "Do you remember Any of the bad?" "No, Ms. December, Not much at all" "Do you remember, Any of the good" "No, Ms. December" "Little Lady Blue, you should" "Do you remember much, Before age nine?" "Just a bite of toast, way before age 7 tis such, My memory is not fine, Why am I going to be used by all?" "Because of the Lord's call" "I'm discriminated against over & over, see, And represented wrongly, Why this be? Nit-picking & inhumanely treating me, What good did repeatedly surviving be? Just to be re-victimized another way, Why make me dread each new day?" "They say, for the greater of good You must continually re-fall" "I'd like to stop them if I could, Equal rights for one and all. My brain is not hair To be clipped on's No care, not fair All care more about all cons. Held back of all potential, not right, Always out-cast, that's all that's insight Abused, Used, Mistreated This cycle goes around The circle of life was created I, upside down and bound" "Do you Remember It foretold you never be truly loved" "No, Ms. December, I only know life being cuffed" "Had you remembered, Your talk with His Father?" "We talked about a lot of things, He says - He will never abandon me" "May I ask, Did both you have wings?" "Yes, & there was so much to see" "I suppose the Angels sing" "Oh, Yes and they charge no fee" "So, What do you wish for?" "To be loved, forevermore, To be a success That would be so bless" "Ms. December What kind of teacher be you?" "Now remember - I the Archangel of True - Just like you - Little Lady Blue" Written By: Debbie Kim Kennedy 11/21/2021 All Rights Reserved & Invoked Lady Deborah K Kennedy


Bouvier, Guffey, Garner, Colver, Hicks

B-, C-, G-, H-, K-

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