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Writer's picture: Debbie Kim P-B-KennedyDebbie Kim P-B-Kennedy

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

Thank you America & all for listening. I am against terrorists & I am against violence, I am for our officers doing their job, our military doing their job and I believe in the right to self-defense.

I am for freedom, just because a person might take a drink, or make a drink, or smoke or grow smoke, or etc. it does not make them a bad person or a terrorist or a killer, you get by with what you get by with. That/this is daily life - I am not promoting any wrongdoings or lawbreaking, I am just telling how I look at it, how I view it, my opinion and feelings about it. Example: If someone speeds down the road today and doesn't get caught speeding you can't come back a year later just because they tell someone they did and charge them for speeding or another example - jaywalking/etc.

It is how they conduct themselves, are they cruel, they can't be cruel to some and caring to some. You have to care about the overall people. You can't go do charity work all day and be sympathetic and kind to all and pretend like you are a saint of a caring person, then go home and beat up your spouse. You can't be this pretend nice kind gentle caring person and then go home and want, try, would like to kill a person. You can't be a domestic violence perpetrator of physical harm and want to be, attempt to be a killer, try to be a killer.

Or be a vigilante killer, you can't do that/this, take law into your own hands when someone you love gets hurt or killed and go out to kill in their name or their namesake.

That is not normal, that is not justice, that is plotting and planning a revenge killing.

Now I know there are many people who will say something like they are going to go commit violence in the heat of the moment, and they don't mean it, they cool down and bygones become bygones as they say. They don't ever actually physically hurt or harm anyone, nor do they plot, plan or hire for someone to be hurt. But there are people out there that do.

You know that old saying "Words are words, they can't harm me" or the saying "Sticks and stones break bones but words will never harm me", People need to think about that more, yes feelings can be hurt and so on, but no life is taken. Now don't intentionally go out and carry on that way to be a bully either, for no one needs to be bullied. A bully is a cruel person.

I know one that is now out of my life, and soon will be legally as well. He uses the excuse that because he was bullied as a child. I tried to talk rationally to him, that you can't be a bully now as a grown-up just because you were bullied as a child. You are being the person/people that you say you hate. You are being them. He does not get to say and be right that it is ok now because he is a grown-up, and grown-ups can be bullies, sure hope they can keep him away from all kids, he needs not to be able to influence them in his attitude or ways. For a bully is a bully, and that's all there is to that.

They prey on the weaker person, someone who is not as physically strong as them, or someone who is not as smart as them. That is wrong, about as wrong as a person can get.

You can be a believer in Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit, and Heaven even if you don't attend church or are not a member of one too. I am not a member of any church right now, have not been. As a young child before WPPF guardian mother-figure Wan**, use to take me to church every week, Baptist and Nazarene. But she died when I was 9 and my visits/attendance to church became different, no schedule of. Just sporadical attendance.

I so do believe in Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit, and Heaven, I more than believe, I know it is a fact, that it is so. It is real and it is truth. I as I have been saying and talking about, have had interaction with 9 times now in real form, not just talking reading the bible, or attending church, but in the real presence of. I read from my bible, I watch church on TV, and on the internet sometimes too, etc., plus 2 bonus ones/confirmations. I am a mellow person whose never punched anyone in my life.

Please forgive me if I have misworded anything wrongly or this sounds wrong, as I am not trying to offend anyone, just speaking about how I view and feel about life in general, as I live around the general public and interact with people, friends, and acquaintances. I had kind of gone into a shell being with the abusive soon-to-be-ex but/as*hol* and lost contact with all, but have been finding and talking to some now, and am enjoying reconnecting with them. Enjoying talking and communicating with and hanging out with. I like making and having friends, I am not trying or wanting to be a hermit. When you don't have much or no company, you get labeled as a hermit. But I have no vehicle right now and live far from town and so it makes it rough because no one ever comes out to this rural remote location I live at, having company is rare, it sure isn't often enough.

I wish more of my old friends would come around more often, just keep that thing - that ex-to-be-legally away from me, I don't want to see hide nor hair of him.

So I suppose I could look at it as times is tough, financial hardships for all right now maybe. Either way, friends, old friends, you are more than welcome to come out and visit me sometime, just call the number listed on this site. It is a landline number, not a cell phone. Don't come out late at night though if I don't know your coming by, you know what I mean, lol, better holler when you pull in the driveway, or better yet call first and let me know you're on your way out to visit and hang out.

Written by:

Debbie Kim Kennedy

The youngest bio-daughter of U.S. President JFK.


(A.K.A. Bouvier, Guffey, Garner, Colver, Hicks, B-, C-, H-, G-, K-)

Wan** Ma* Mik**-(Mc)Guff**-Garn** had an arrangement with the U.S. Government when it came to me, she was my witness protection program foster guardian, she died of cancer in 1974. Our household had lots of internal secrets, and it was my secret life. It is none's right not now or past to exploit or use me for or over or about, who needs your mad.

So I am talking about it all now, and I am not going to stop talking about it and anything and everything I feel like talking about.

I feel the way I feel about what I feel the way I feel about, like it or not. I do not apologize for having a life, for living, for surviving what all I have survived from.

I guess you could say I am a public figure now, cause I am speaking out.

If I am not speaking or saying something legally right, let a lawyer help me word it right, because I have been trying to get one on stuff since 1985 when my appendix was found in my leg that didn't rupture in 1968, long before my memories of early childhood started slowly, now rapidly returning of and about. Because I am who I am, I found out years ago again that JFK was my father, now this round, I find out that Jackie was also my mother, and that is facts, relevant exact facts.

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