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My birth mother Mary Eno Pickering-Pinchot Meyers

Updated: Jan 29

I was placed in and raised in witness protection program home of Wanda Mae Mikel-Guffey Garner & her husband Sammie Bruce Garner, due to my father's assassination in 1963 when I was in womb & bio mom Mary below became/was prime witness to his assassination. She was then murdered too in 1964 October, when I was almost 3 months old. She was a famous painter.

Written/posted by :

Deborah "Debbie" Kim Pinchot-Bouvier-Kennedy

A.K.A. last names of

(X-wppf) Guffey-?-Garner

(X-wppf) Colver, Hicks

(X-wppf) Guffey-Kennedy

(X-wppf) Garner-Kennedy

(X-wppf) Garner-Colver

(X-wppf) Kennedy-Colver

(X-wppf) Garner-Hicks

(X-wppf) Kennedy-Hicks

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