Nation Of No Grace
After the start of the fall
You'll also learn the real begin of all
He begin the conspiracy on y'all
All he done for years before for you to start his call
While my fears continued to grow
And life moving so slow
The pathetic hawk watching in the background
I unaware of his eyes following me around
I's being stalked again all along
Lurking in the shadows, is King Kong
Not knowing he present, this peepo creepo
Collecting Intel to set up his nest, oh!
Then braiding of all to get a deal
"Oh my God", "No shit, this is real"
He plotted & planned, like that/a pro
Decades of things he gathered, I not know
In truth, I have/had no shame, no low
Memory returning finally but to slow
Yet he played on, conspired & twisted his regal
To keep this ongoing discrimination on my life, financials & legal
Harmful shaming, wrongful shunning reigned down on me
Clean threesome creation, conceived I be
Told dirty, in giant scam
I literally repeatedly the slaughtered lamb
I wasn't an adult as a child, & not a child as an adult, nobody's right
Filthy politics, politicians & States, not bright
Give me a National lawyer to undo your wrong steals
Because none had/have right, you group of heals
How low did/do you continually go
In to the bowels of hell, you be that low
Let me ask, why match the devil
Tis it for a political upevel?
Why be a nation of no grace
Just to not acknowledge my face
Could it be cause of your illegal financial robbery
You plotted, planned, carried out, your so slobberly
Why did you need to do this to me
For you all a halo, you had to rob me
If you think I'm letting this go
No way I not punching back, legally so
How wrong your fake grace
You going to let me tell you to your face
You'll remember the day
All you sold your freedom - you'll say
To steer my life with your prewritten script
Pre-watetgate plan action, it was so crypt
You threw away your right to grace
Thinking you'll just take off your face
Mandatory laws & finger/thumb prints
Can't match or cover all you owe & spents
I'll be sensored no more
You got to pay the score
That is the case
Nation of No Grace
Written by:
Deborah Kim (?Pinchot-) Bouvier - Kennedy
Xwppf - Guffey, Garner
Xwppf - Colver, Hicks
" You'll not hear the end of me for the rest of my breathing days."
Silence is over, I will know it all once again.