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Products Ideas/patents - I have: Legal Issues : All Patents Reserved to me:

Writer's picture: Debbie Kim P-B-KennedyDebbie Kim P-B-Kennedy

Updated: May 12, 2024

OFFERIMUS tibi, Domine, calicem salutaris tuam deprecantes clementiam: ut in conspectu divinae majestatis tuae, pro nostra et totius mundi salute cum odore suavitatis ascendat.




Now also counting the years of1968 to 1972 when truth serum was used:


Most all of these products & ideas/patents were in my truth serum;

(& eye in the sky - adjacency).

EACH TIME THEY HAVE used that truth serum on me in the years of 1984, 1993, 1998, 2016 & whenever else, it has proven so.

Oh, and these ideas/patents, I have not used in survey panels or surveys (if so I will state so),

I mostly won't include those unless that were not rejected, because I received store gift cards/etc. for those:

This has been going on for over t/yrs/decades.

Already on the market -


Below is my library card, in which I attempt to do all accordingly as is said to legally.

Although I have seen no financial rewards from yet, unlawfully so;

for these product ideas/patents, I have seen on shelves & internet for sale.

  1. tv remote control finder buttons for tv remotes

  2. windows in the sides of swimming pools, Coleman/Newell Co.





1. Lifting ban on Lake Cumberland for more docks and all else - LOOKS LIKE some done.

2. Banks need to lift fees - need more than 30 days, most was only about 28 days, and people on gov't income, child support, SSI, Social Security, Pensions, etc well they only get income once a month, so if you go in the red on your account, then your overdraft gets suspended before you get your next check to live off of, and that is crippling to a person on low income.

3. Mandatory increase in the width of vents in bathrooms in campers, all campers, make them not only vents but also escape hatches, I know I sure needed one in 1992. Only once did I get to go into the bathroom and my arm might of fit thru that fan if i ran it thru it, and i got caught trying to /wanting to escape, I was never uncuffed again from that contraption he kept me handcuffed to, by all 4's, with nothing underneath but air and somewhere down below was a floor. See the whole camper was rigged, and there was no getting out door or window, but if my head would of fit thru that vent i sure was going to try, if i hadn't to stop and think i won't fit thru. Exhaust fan escape hatch patent.

4. Why don't the NSA scan homes/bldg containers/etc for victims being held hostage.

5. A number to call when someone can't get legal representation in this grand country of ours, shameful, never heard of anyone else being denied legal representation, an amnesia induced mind i had done to me by a doctor in 1974 and then in 1985, doctor comes to me after surgery and says "I thought you said your appendix ruptured when you was 3" I replied, "That's what I was told", He said " I just removed your appendix from the bend of your leg, grown in to your leg muscles, and it was functioning" and then he told me a bunch of other stuff he had to do over adhesions. After over a month in the hospital, I went home and called lawyers only to be told I needed Dr Moss records, So I called Indiana, got told Dr Moss records all got destroyed by fire sprinklers in a storage facility, all when "Watergate" went down, I got record from Community Hospital East 1968 and it said appendix ruptured, & record from St Johns' Hospital 1985 said "removed appendix and more, and Dr Jaroslav Marik of Tyler Medical Clinic gave me his 1985 report saying he removed appendix from leg, so I call lawyers ( a whole list of em, like all in the phonebook, and you know what they said " I still needed Dr Moss records", been getting told that since 1985, along with other stuff from other things, basicly anything to do with my real birth, beginning with conception 1963 to 1972. Dr. Moss, etc. etc. etc.......

"They started it" - "So Here it goes" -

"Are they for real" what a mess -

"Ruptured Appendix, Diarrhea, & Pump Knot" CLASSIFIED medical diagnosis of 1967.

With a real diagnosis of -

I was with my Uncle Robert F Kennedy & Martin Luther King when I was _

Kidnapped, then Witness to the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by those that abducted me, then took from Tennessee to Canada, where their leader Osama Bin Laden flew in by helicopter, then a satanic ritual was performed on me by him, then he & the men in his crew raped me, and held me hostage, & right before taking off & escaping they burned the woman's hands/fingerprints & as I witnessed this they so decided to kill me, the man pulled out a machete, said (speaking of me) "she can walk and talk" & so came at me, I began to run, & he caught the heel of my right foot cutting off a sliver of, and causing me to stumble downward, & proceeded to slice me almost half n half with that machete, then the supercriminal perpetrators all escaped, took off, gone. (& there is much more to the story, then & later to come too)etc...........

My Uncle Robert "Bobby" Francis Kennedy so filed all in 1967 with the United States Supreme Court & the United Nations too, to protect me financially and legally/etc.

I am his brother's daughter President John "Jack" Fitzgerald Kennedy, his youngest child, they were pregnant with me when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

My Uncle (RFK) Bobby, took time to get to know me & me know him, our visits began long before the 1968 incidents (& visits/time w/ mother Jackie too), we use to talk when I was small (& growing) prior to his death, he also would show me home movies of my father JFK and after his death, my Uncle Ted took over his role. When Mother (Jacqueline "Jackie" Lee Bouvier-Kennedy went to Greece; She & my brother John & sister Caroline would fly in & we visited too, as President Johnson would not allow me to go to Greece & live with them, as should have been. Then in 1974, President Nixon's administration allowed me to be wronged & harmed which would and did affect me for decades to come, actually from 1974 till now, legally, financially, lawfully, etc. wronged & harmed, repeatedly. My Witness Protection Mom/Guardian Wa*** Ma* Mi***-Guffey-Garner fixed her will in 1972/73 to stand by my Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy's way of 1963 & 1967; when she passed away in 1974, they had no right to do and to continue to pursue doing what and how they have wronged and harmed me, causing irreversible damages to myself and our nation, America, for which they continue to deny, hindering & interfering with my right to freedom of speech, my right to know the right way, my right to pursue, my right to gain & gain back, my financial assets of & from every direction, with their wrongful passing of laws taking advantage of me in all ways, repeatedly, over and over again.

I am the biological daughter of & youngest child of President JFK, and I am the adopted daughter of "Jackie" Bouvier-Kennedy (Onassis) & (prearranged) Witness Protection Foster daughter & friend of Wa*** Ma* Mi***-Guffey-Garner, as so agreed upon in 1963, 1967, 1973, and whatever other years as so, & as such shall I so remain, I am "Debbie", it is my choice to go by my last name of "Kennedy", & I don't care who don't like it.

They do not get the right to alter persons will after their deaths, when they so knowingly filed it as, and pure intent for it to be as such, they do not years later have the right to come back and take it away, & Rigg it to avoid relevant facts to of.

They had me sign a ton of legal papers in 1974 in my real true last name of (Pinchot/Bouvier) -Kennedy & in my witness protection last name of Guffey-(?/Kennedy)-Garner, I was 9 1/2 years old, then they induced doctor amnesia upon me, lying to me as to what the procedure really was that they were doing, and they know they did.

I am tired of being revictimized in one way after another, and so not being able to make them right the wrongs & correct the harms, the right way, w/o them thinking they got the right to threaten, try to blackmail, & bring up things so not relevant to or about what they did not have the right to target me for to do. I say whoever is my real lawyer, better get to getting my legal rights right & all else too.

There is what I knew, then I knew nothing (1974), and then there is what little I knew (1990), & what I learned later/so far, then there is what all I know of now, once again, in full, if you don't mind or even if you do, I'll keep it, what I know in full.


6. Why isn't our gov't buildings, schools & medical facilities that it is feasible for, got solar and wind installed with net meters, the savings each month from the money allotted them could go toward more programs, more books, more equipment, more field trips, more types of classes, more teachers, better-paid teachers, etc. it could better the education system all the way around, think how much the electric bill alone is at each of these facilities, and how much it would reduce their operating costs, think of the savings that medical facilities could reduce the costs of toward the patients and the insurance companies.

Solar & Wind wherever possible for all 3 of these categories: 1. Schools 2. Government Buildings 3. Medical Facilities

(They could add on to IRS tax filing forms the option for Americans to contribute, as they do for campaigns, why not for other more worthy causes and reasons)

Such an option to contribute could also be for a filer to be able to contribute not just a dollar, but anywhere from "a dollar to ten dollars" or so. So as for lower-income to have the option if they can contribute and larger incomers to contribute more if they can. I see no harm in an arrangement as such, as it would help our nation in the long run.

7. Everyone is always talking about how big the national debt is, then why don't t/people start a go fund me acct for the national debt, I think I read that it is not allowed.

Some of what I read in books and on the internet, is so & some so not so, the not so feels intently done. The debt could get paid down so as to not be carried over to the generations behind us and generations to come.

Look up if there is a law against this or what.

My answer, if there are there are, if not then there is not, but they would rather change laws that shouldn't be changed, is a personal opinion.

8. Solar Laundromats - WHY? -

so cost could be kept down for low-income people to be able to wash their laundry, lower electric bills for owners would mean they could keep charges down for usage. Wouldn't hurt if more privately owned businesses did this, it would trickle down to savings for all, as long as none got so greedy, as to have to make astronomical profits from in spite of.

9, Most people nowadays have cell phones, and many don't even have a home phone anymore. Just how do you get back in touch with someone who only uses a cellphone when they have changed their phone number.

Why is there not a phone directory/information for cell phones?

A directory that you can call like you can for home phones.

Home phones, like I have & use if you change your phone number, all anyone has to do is to call 4-1-1 and tell state, city, and name, then they can get your new number unless you have it blocked.

Why do we not have a cell phone directory number that people can register their cell phones and when they change their number, people can still have a way of getting the new number to be able to be contacted.

Maybe, pay a dollar to register your cell phone number with a cell phone directory, then people still can find you when your number has changed.

A dollar(?) each time one is registered or changed or something, should supply cost to run a directory company.

Whatever the amount need be, just try to keep it cost-effective where people would use the service, and when anyone needed to get a hold of someone whose number has changed, they just call whatever number, like 3-1-1 for example, and voila people don't lose contact with you, and you don't have to contact everyone you ever met to try to find their number. Who knows who may now or in the future need to get a hold of you?

No matter cost to register your name and number to service, whether it is $1.00 or $5.00 or $? etc. especially for businesspeople, but really for everyone, it would be worth the cost for family, friends, business associates, acquaintances, etc. to be able to find you and get a hold of you, with an option to remove your name and number from a phone number at no cost when you no longer use or want the service.

Even if it's been months, years, decades, etc. since contact it would be a tremendous aid and a way to look up someone you haven't spoken to in a long time or not on a regular routine schedule of talking, like daily or weekly, etc.

Optional Service of course like home landline phones.

NOW BACK TO SOME PRODUCT IDEAS/PATENTS - This first one could benefit all households worldwide - especially the poor AND in the poorest of countries.


  1. 1.Kettle Rock patent - (xWPP-F-?) Granny Zu** Mi***-Guffey always kept a limestone rock in her tea kettle to clean her water as she heated it for coffee or tea, said it cleanses the water and kills the germs, she lived just 1 week shy of being 98 yrs old, her mother, I was told lived to be 103 yrs old, whatever their age, I never knew of a time that, "that there rock" wasn't in her tea kettle.

  2. 2. Locate Me/Angel Me Jewelry patent - who don't need a piece of jewelry with GPS in it, so they can catch them kidnapping monsters and save a child and or adult's life, get em, get em, get em, would/could work perfectly with the Amber Alert system & Identakid- need no chip in our bodies SEE PRODUCT patent IDEA BELOW, I HAVE BEEN PLUGGING THIS IDEA/PRODUCT. Sorry about the gray box, the ad was not designed with a gray box in the center covering the jewelry up.


Let's get em back as fast as they grab em, that'd be the goal.... The smaller we can get tha

3. Shade Screens in Automobiles that roll up and down like the window, made of that better screen as they make for shade on porches and stuff. Won't need that air conditioner all the time, they are sturdier than that old pull-down cheap things, more durable, would even keep the bugs out, and when you get out to get gas or run into mom's house or dad's or wherever, you know that quick second run-in, where people leave the kids buckled up in car seats and such, and when people leave animals in the vehicle, well no more having to have a window up, have the windows down and shade window-like up, no child or animal will die of suffocation, like that poor toddler here several years back. I guess it's happened many times probably across our nation, no need for it, and when that air conditioner quits working and you don't have the money to fix it right away, shade window-like screens that roll up and down, this is my idea and take on it.

4. Gauze Glue - you know when you got that product that is odd-shaped and you need it to mold better than that old bulky plastic tape, super glue, and ace bandage gauze, I used gorilla glue (but any super glue product would probably work) and it worked excellent, been trying to get gorilla glue company to talk with me, but no luck yet, guess I'll have to holler at some other super glue companies or them at me.

5. Iron Man Swiffer - My soon-to-be-ex hopefully, every time I would buy a Swiffer, of any type, he would break them in a matter of no time, said he had to apply pressure in order to scrub and get whatever clean. He had muscles & would insist on applying much pressure, why doesn't Swiffer make one made of titanium, and call it Iron Man Swiffer or something, I couldn't afford to own A SWIFFER, Whenever he was around. I would have to buy a new one every time I turned around, you think they are more expensive than a mop, trying having to buy the whole product each time and not just refill liquid and pads, but the whole thing, over and over constantly. Gets real expensive and not quite worth the overall cost, cause you are out of a mop and whatever till you make a run to the store again, ALWAYS HAVING TO BUY A NEW COMPLETE SET EACH TIME.

6. Screens in the washing machines - you know how they have those little screens in the hoses of the back of the washing machines, and you have to pull the washing machine out from the wall, risking ripping that linoleum floor/etc. or scratching or injuring yourself if your not suppose to lift, why don't washing machine companies make it to where you can pull the washing machine screens out without having to pull the washer out from the wall, make like something that will slide out and you can walk over to sink and cleanse it and slide it back in from the front side of the washing machine.

7. Snake Deterrent - you know that mothballs will deter snakes, and makes them dizzy & gives them cancer, it also gives other animals cancer too, I believe. But I know something else that deters snakes, & that is cat poo, I clean the cat's litter pan and I take it out & throw it out around the fence line, I live deep in the woods in a severely infested large poisonous snake area, snakes don't like cats. I was wondering since mothballs is kind of poisonous if there is a product maybe that could be made from cat poo that humans could sprinkle around the outskirts of their property that would deter snakes & not harm cats and dogs.

8. Gas Stoves - Did you know I saw my cat jump down from the stove, a gas stove and as it did, it put its paw down on that there burner dial and turned the burner on as it jumped, almost catching its tail on fire, gas stoves need to be designed to where a cat can't turn them on accidentally, like set back in the stove or a cover that comes out over and closes over, or something to keep that from being able to happen. If that tail had caught on fire as that cat jumped down running off thru the house, the house would have been ablaze, it was a miracle, it was so close to catching that cat's tail on fire, Happened it did, some year(s) ago. Wonder if they have ever realized that, cause cat owners can't help that gas stoves have dials to turn them on, that a cat can turn on too, bet some electric ones might be just as easy.

9. Cat Scoopers - why do they make them hang on the wall with a place to put them on a hook, or why do we people lean them standing up against the wall? Why do they not make them like toilet bowl brush cleaners, you know where you can put them in that little stand and not have to have that nasty thing leaning and sitting on the floor against the wall or hanging against on a wall, a cat scooper holder with my cat scooper, my cats and I would both be happier, cause if I am happier, they are happier. If cleaning their litter pan isn't so disgusting to me afterward, then see we all get along better. You can't throw it away and use a new one every day, and who wants to have to clean that nasty thing every day, you're just adding more chores to, the-load-of-caring.

I see this product for sale now on Amazon, just in here in the last few weeks.




For the last 17 years, I have argued with a man, the one I am trying to divorce, when he would make comments all the time like, "women can make a fortune prostituting" and he would imply, say "why don't you prostitute", that would make me so mad, every time it just runs all thru me, I would reply "I have a brain", no matter how small it may or may not be, or how well educated it may or may not be, and no matter how damaged it is or isn't, I don't have to prostitute, I have a brain, I WANT TO USE, TRY TO USE, THIS IS ALL SO DESIGNED AGAINST".


Look, if someone wants to do that, PROSTITUTE THAT IS, whatever, it is their body, but I chose not to use my body for such purposes and never have, I rather use what brain I have left, if I going to use my body, it would/will be for manual labor, but since my body is unable to endure such manual labor, I am trying to use my brain,I do as much manual labor as I can tolerate, already. I am not putting anyone that does down, but it is, that is people's personal choices, it is not my choice for my body can't endure it. I am an American, I have the right to choose and to make my own choices.

I am and will be so glad to end the "slave-like" marriage of being a battered wife, and I chose to go back to my last name of Kennedy, as prior to this marriage, and I now know I am a Bouvier-Kennedy, I thought Guffey(-Garner) - Kennedy, but I now know more.

This is the second time I tried marriage just to end up divorcing, but this one is going to be the most glorious one because I have endured abuse this whole time, and I want life righted again. I am a law-abiding citizen, I never agreed to give up my rights and personal privacy, blogging and talking/speaking isn't giving up your rights to and thereof.


Written By:

Deborah Kim G-B-Kennedy Hicks

DATE: JUNE 13, 2021

ALL THOUGHTS, IDEAS, PRODUCT INVENTION PLANS, ETC., ARE ALL ORIGINAL MINE, SO IS ARTICLE AND ALL ARTICLES as so labeled. Sorry about the hackers, where you have had to read these articles looking like a total crazy person wrote.


My ideas are, as they say, "my baby", my product ideas, my political/etc. ideas.

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