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Questions & Answers = My true identity in full, re-remembering the good, the bad, the beautiful & the ugly

Updated: Feb 11

Article below starline written days ago.

I've had more time to process, analyze, logicalize, etc. this paper & I know first thoughts was way of course, and second thoughts below was a little closer but still not right I think. Let's think this out, if I am leaving anything out, tell me America.

Ok, facts first.

  1. I know for a fact I was born in New York.

  2. I know now for fact that Wanda Mae Mikel-Guffey Garner was my witness protection program foster mother, who died when I was 9.5 years old.

  3. I also know that my father - in every sense of the word -biological, legal, etc. was/is & will always be, he's my heart, is U.S. President John/Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy (Sr.). Assassinated (11-22-1963) whilst I was in the womb. Bio birth mother prime witness along with father's wife, my adopted mother Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy U S First Lady.

  4. Now know factual whole fact on who bio birth mother was/is Mary Eno Pickering-Pinchot Meyers, also murdered 11-12-1964 when I was almost 3 months old.

  5. Now, this paper, been trying to understand it. I know my Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy Sr was Atty General, not hard for him & witness protection program to put together paperwork. I believe/think Wanda's real bio baby birthday is probably July 29, 1964; I thought all this time that we was coincidentally born on same day, the 29th. I don't think so now that I've had time and more memories to recover and determine all the whole truth and true relevant facts. I think I may of been born on the 31st of July, instead of 29th which is what I always write down (habit). Either way New York, The White House, the Kennedy's(my family), & the Pinchot Meyers's(also my family), all know facts. Nobody had right to induce amnesia on me in 1974 & turn my life in to such craziness & make a game of it with the people around me. Witness protection program is a serious program, & person's are protected & their asset's are also protected, & they do have right to exit, go back to full true identity and assets & rights/benefits/etc. Would you want one person after another conspiring behind your back. Almost like making a joke of my real identity & allowing me to be used for and about.

  6. I feel like I am repeatedly being dangled like a carrot, & used, & abused causing me to end up in relationships I would not of ended up in, at least if I had it wouldn't of been for any length of time, the ways been.

  7. I need RIGHT, & always have.

  8. I swear, I wonder sometimes if lawyers/state departments/agencies/etc aren't conspiring behind my back with people around that have a tie or an angle. I hate thinking such could even be possible, I sure pray not, cause this is America.

I fully officially legally exited from the witness protection program (5-23-2022), notified correctly completely now, as I had been being pushed to answer prematurely cause of trying to intervene wrongful and harmful intentional legal actions going on behind my back and lawsuits being stolen from me cause I am primary, not secondary or one being sued.

I can't help they wrongfully unjustly harmfully induced amnesia of so many years of my life in 1974, so many of my childhood life, the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly - for wrong reasons. I was a stable child when Wanda (my ex-witness protection program mother) died, the pain in my stomach and leg was real, not physchological. Although I feel that was just a scapegoat for t


Oh, trying to understand.

Exactly what age was I placed in Wanda Mae Mikel-Guffey Garner 's home & care?

I found paper from where her child was born, but not her, yet I wondering how easy it would of been for Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy Sr to of had this paper above issued this way (or this 31st date could be my actual birthdate of me born in New York) anyway, back to first guess, possibly to keep my bio birth mother Mary Eno Pickering-Pinchot Meyers 's murder from being opened up and placed in with my bio father US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy 's assassination, & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr 's assassination, then Uncle/(x)US attyGen/Democrat Presidential candidate/etc. Robert Francis Kennedy's assassination & all the times I was kidnapped, witnessed murders, tortured, raped, left for dead, etc. - 5 times as a young child and once as a young adult......???????

How cruel and cold and unamerican for me to be done so filthy, did I say corrupt, I meant extremely beyond corrupt, dirty politics, dirty insurances, and never no true care/love, just half-ass care/love, &/or just pretend care/love, either way about the same dang thing. You talking about rigging crap, they sure are professionals at, and one after another not caring fully cause of what they can benefit/use/ etc.

You know - I am American

You know - there's no way I agree to give up what was left me in any wills (from all 6 types of parent figures I had n life time, not to mention 2 sets of witness protection program n laws), or agree to give up what paid out to me in settlements over being a victim of terrorists, or any lawsuits /monies owed me for pain, suffering, damages, lack of justice, negligence, wrongful care, harmful care, incomplete care, incomplete courts, unheard cases, (de) classified cases unsettled & unresolved - like other areas/things in my life over all this stuff, etc etc....

This ringing in my ears 24/7, those 2 classified medical diagnosis's - 1 from 1967, 1 from 1992, being backwards like on me - no way, and so much other manipulated, monopolized, conspiratorized, life stuff - some might wonder "did they announce to the nation in 1974 - use her all you want people, take advantage of her/me", or was that just coincidence & underground gossip &/or 2015/16/? &/or 1984/5/3 - 90/91/92/93/94.....

Like I'm the disappointing "Manchurian candidate", or "expected outcome Manchurian candidate " etc.

Oh so many (as you know) thoughts, ponderings, wonderings, etc. sometimes, all awhile I lived and aged and had to go forward with and in life like all else.

But what's the question?

Since it seems like - all/anybody allowed to prewrite my life script as I loved it, what's the ending - and I'm not talking death, cause I'm not dead, course no one knows what their life expiration date is but God/Jesus. So what's the ending of my new beginnings of my middle age life with most or at least basics of memories remembered & living forward from here, onward. Who would stoop so low, as to need to trash me so royally, wrongfully and harmfully, & steel so openly, gutlessly, & arrogantly, huh. It's like upside down blackmail, or backwards pyramid blackmail/etc. either way, it's been continual judging, misrepresentation, miscommunication, etc. all to more or less - point the finger at myself or whatever, what a crock of shit, to be feel so worthless and used like/for. Nobody in our history done so royally wronged and harmed, all along while terrorists kidnappers mocked fun of and about.


I know, jabbering jaws off here, but since nobody CARES, what the HELL?

If no other lawyer can do me any better than whats been, where's one that will (w/t/talent & abilities like Atty Amal Clooney)? Since being wronged and harmed seems to keep getting wronger and harmfuller.

Medicaid/Wellcare/Aetna/Union/VA etc. is Atty Travis Bell supposed to represent me legally Pro Bono on all, or how go about righting it all, correctly, completely and satisfactorily right, true, correct and to my liking, approval, satisfaction etc.

You/? play me like a puppet forcing, coercing etc. each step of the way. Not right at all. Eerily similar sadly to how terrorists do brainwashing kinda.

I don't care how uncrooked you think you conducted this all, your so wrong.


Written by me

Deborah Kim Pinchot/Meyers-Bouvier-Kennedy


(x-wppf) Guffey - ? - Garner

(x-wppf n laws) Colver, Hicks

(& name combinations of some of above)



I wouldn't wish anyone to be put thru the bullshit bologna I been put thru.

No right to their altered preplan inflicted & forced on me (now am I talking 1974 & since - or what/when).

Can anyone say "grandfather clauses", "catch 22", etc etc......?

Camelot Kingdom US

BBB registered


I try so hard on this little old cell phone, Ive been reduced to, to try and post/tweet/etc right & to try to understand and comprehend and do.

And on another note, I happen to love black history. I've had many friends of African American decent during my lifetime. In 1967 , when Uncle Robert Francis Kennedy Sr & I was with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I thought & think the world of that family. I loved Dr. Martin Luther King Jr very much and I truly did try to/ want to/ attempt to - stop/catch that bullet when those terrorists hoodlums kidnapped me from them & then assassinated him.

One of the saddest days in our nations history.

Love 😘 Always


No one should be wrongly condemned, that's what happens when others take over speaking for someone as if they know it all, when truly they don't know at all.

None has right to take something out of context and assume something royally wrongly.

It's no families rights or agencies to have discriminated against, or used, or royally robbed financially, nor the right to ruin my future, etc.

The shit they try to use as/for evidence/? is laughable, actually does not prove anything. When's the actual hearing/court/board/etc.?


My bio father US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is my ❤️ heart.

I have a pretty cool birth/dna.

Bio father - U S President John/Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy

Adopted mother - U S First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy

Bio mother - Mary Pickering-Pinchot Meyers, a famous painter

I love them all, yesterday, today and tomorrow, & all of time to come.

I'm Debbie.


FYI my lawyer handled my finances in dissolvement of my relationship with my daughters father. I turned in everything accordingly.

So all can back off, you got no right or cause to be interfering in my financial life, or any other area wrongly with wrongful and harmful intentions.

A movie or book/etc of my life story is not anybody's right to steal from me, nor is it any's right to steal my lawsuits, inheritances, settlements, patent ideas, copyrights, etc.

Debbie Kim Kennedy

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