SANGUIS Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam meam in vitam aeternam.
MAY the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul to life everlasting.
Don't Protect these murderers, For it is not their right willingly & wantingly to take a life, just because they decide someone needs to die, it is not their right to be assassins.
Their extreme - whatever - "Temper Anger Management Control Problems" should not cost all the rest of us, our right to regular life with the right to the pursuit of happiness.
Whisper (or shout) in The Devil's ear
Let me make it very clear
Born with a target on my back
Not covering my head with a sack
Testifying against killers isn't being a rat
Declaring my true identity is not being a brat
Who wants Warren-Watergate way
Oh, give me my Uncle Bobby's day
Co-operating with Officials for citizens protection
So allow investigators to do their detection
Aid in deterring all terrorists & killers' attacks
Agree with Heaven above, work with relevant exacts
Kill those killers, were at war with
Testimonies don't need the fifth
If you're a killer, you don't want to know me
Forevermore against them is who all should be
I declare this, this day is truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on and about.
Written By:
Deborah Kim B-Kennedy Hicks
All Rights Reserved
Bouvier, Guffey, Garner, Colver,
G-, B-, C-, K-