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"THE GLASS LION" Hobby Shop - Stain Glass - Etch Glass, Etc. - California Days

Updated: Oct 30, 2021

Cor Jesu sacratissimum. Miserere nobis. AMEN

A Business I started back in 1987, in the state of California. I put the business on hold in 1989, because I was pregnant and unable to work around the fumes. I never got the business up and going again after that, so much went down, from that point on and it led to the start of the end of that marriage & became just part of my divorce from my first husband, Mr. A. "Ton*" L. (Marple/Raines) Colver.

A photo album I had of the work I did, of some of the pieces I made, is one of the items that was stolen from my home in recent years.

Another strange item to be taken, stolen, like my baby hair. Odd things that people have waltzed off with, stolen, gone, here then not here.

I so would like to show some more of the pieces, if the album hadn't been taken.

This piece above is one I made for my WPP-F Granny Zul* who died several years back and I was given the piece back. I keep it hanging in my home.

I enjoyed working on stain glass the most back then, and what money I made went to pay for the college courses I took at Vic*** Val*** College back then. I never got a grant or student loan for paying for my courses. I paid cash for those few courses I got to take in the years 1987, 1988, and 1989.

Written By:

Deborah "Debbie" Kim (G-G-) B-Kennedy Hicks

All Rights Reserved


Author of my life.

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