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Updated: Oct 28, 2021

QUOD ore sumpsimus, Domine, pura mente capiamus: et de munere temporali fiat nobis rememdium sempiternum. AMEN

Robert Francis Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968), also referred to by his initials RFK or by the nickname Bobby, was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 64th United States Attorney General from January 1961 to September 1964, and as a U.S. Senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968. He was, like his brothers John and Edward, a prominent member of the Democratic Party and has come to be viewed by some historians as an icon of modern American liberalism.

R. Kennedy was born into a wealthy, political family in Brookline, Massachusetts. After serving in the U.S. Naval Reserve from 1944 to 1946, Kennedy returned to his studies at Harvard University and later received his law degree from the University of Virginia. He began his career as a correspondent for The Boston Post and as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York but later resigned to manage his brother John's successful campaign for the U.S. Senate in 1952. The following year, he worked as an assistant counsel to the Senate committee chaired by Senator Joseph McCarthy. He gained national attention as the chief counsel of the Senate Labor Rackets Committee from 1957 to 1959, where he publicly challenged Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa over the union's corrupt practices. Kennedy resigned from the committee to conduct his brother's successful campaign in the 1960 presidential election. He was appointed United States Attorney General at the age of 36, becoming the youngest Cabinet member in U.S. history since Alexander Hamilton in 1789. He served as his brother's closest advisor until his 1963 assassination, November 22 in Dallas Texas.

His tenure is known for advocating for the civil rights movement, the fight against organized crime and the Mafia, and involvement in U.S. foreign policy related to Cuba. He authored his account of the Cuban Missile Crisis in a book titled Thirteen Days.

After his brother's assassination, he remained in office during the Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson for several months. He left to run for the United States Senate from New York in 1964 and defeated Republican incumbent Kenneth Keating.[10] In office, Kennedy opposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and raised awareness of poverty by sponsoring legislation designed to lure private businesses to blighted communities (i.e. Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration project). He was an advocate for issues related to human rights and social justice by traveling.

In 1968, Kennedy became a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency by appealing to poor, African American, Hispanic, Catholic, and young voters.[11] His main challenger in the race was Senator Eugene McCarthy. Shortly after winning the California primary around midnight on June 5, 1968, Kennedy was mortally wounded when shot with a pistol by Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian.

Kennedy died hours later. Sirhan was arrested, tried, and convicted, though Kennedy's assassination, like his brother's, continues to be the subject of widespread analysis and numerous conspiracy theories.

On June 17, 1950, Kennedy married Ethel Skakel at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenwich, Connecticut. He graduated from law school in June 1951 and flew with Ethel to Greenwich to stay in his father-in-law's guest house. The couple's first child was Kathleen, then there was Joseph, Robert Jr., David, Courtney, Michael, Kerry, Chris, Max, Douglas, and Rory.

Like I said, in an earlier article from what I remember the names are not right, because I was led to believe, course this was years later, after 1974, that the names of the children were different than what I read now and what I have read over the years, always changing. Now except for the one I mentioned about, & which one is supposedly Kathleen. So, Kathleen & Susan are they not going by those two names now or what? But I also have read other details of the event(s) back then, that I believe to be more accurate and truer and correct, but the names, they got me on that one. But the other stuff, I think I have them on that stuff. There new details of basic facts about events are incorrect in my opinion totally, as I have stated off and on in life, something strange going on here, they are and did do this intentionally because of and to me.


Joe, Bobby Jr., Courtney, David, Kathleen, and Michael.

Now, this somewhat seems more dead-on accurate to me, (at least closer) more so than the names on some websites like Wikipedia and Britannica, etc. The picture below is from the book "Remembering Jack", because Uncle Bobby was learning me his children's names and after Uncle Bobby's death,

I spent time with Uncle Ted, who turns out to also be Uncle Edward and not a republican and not alive, deceased when it was announced Uncle Ted died of brain cancer.

I am reading a book right now, that I disagree with certain facts and points as they are written, I do not find them to be truthful nor correct with the information. Why all so they can cover me up, or should I say recover me up, no you don't. America is too good a country to let this be done. Now I find this all to be a dishonor to them. Nobody honors anyone's last wishes, wills or testaments anymore, surely our country will not stand for this to go down this way. It is royally wrong, so wrong.

Uncle Robert stood by serum when arrangements for my birth, and when she became the eyewitness to the book depository, he went to bat with it, with all in Washington, D.C. and won, then when that happened to the King and me in 1968, he fought the U.S. Supreme Court and also went to the United Nations, he was relentless in his pursuit for this serum stuff to be used correctly and rightly and to be done as "reverse classification" for identity and testimonies of, and he should be honored and remembered as such and so as well. Because little did all of you know, but he was also fighting for God, for the revealing of God, Jesus, and Heaven, along with identity and testimonies of murdering and attempted murdering monsters. A person's pain and suffering should be included in this as well really, otherwise, it is only good for a movie, or book, about all it is good for, maybe for the center for disease control, but not much else really, because it can't be used in criminal court. No one should or can be tried for every day of their life, for every word, every thought, and every action, especially not a living victim-witness survivor like I for example. I am a multiple-time survivor of terrorists, and a survivor of domestic abuse, and a survivor so far of struggle, I have not had an easy life. Not at all, it has been a hard life, and I suffer from many ailments physically, it all has taken a major toll on my health, my body, and will continue to increase as I grow older, this/that I know.

America, we claim to be the most understanding country there is, so how can and could all be so un-understanding to and toward me. It makes our nation out to be cold-hearted, freezing cold, such inhumaneness reigning down on me, freezing cold, that's why it can't end this way. My life must have a happy future somewhere here for me. I am an American. I am telling truths on these here pages on this blog site of mine, and all you know it, to deny it is to deny Jesus, and God and heaven as well, along with denying our heroes of and in our nation, past present, and future.

Freedom, I thought all in our nation is to have freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of sexuality, freedom of lifestyle, freedom of all sorts of things, how and where is the freedom if your children or anybody else are getting to rule and reign over your future, that's like not being grown-up again, and I don't care how they feel, about things they had no right to know, and things they had and have no right to judge me on or about, they still have no right to my future and freedom to rule and reign over and have me judged, condemned or endangered. How dare them single one human being out to wrong and harm with their vindictive vendetta's, that they didn't even have the guts to do in-person/to my face, they can take their medusa tongue's and choke on them, because I am not a bad person, and they had and have no right to repeatedly wrong and harm me, all because they want to cheat me out of a good future. You don't trade people like they are a commodity, I had and did and do appreciate all I had and have and have had, but that gives none the right to continually deny me and work with a spouse or a guardian or any group of people behind my back for them to grandstand.


Many times, nowadays, I feel as if my Uncle Robert "Bobby" Francis Kennedy is being disrespected and dishonored and totally, not appreciated for what his true value was and upheld for all he did before and after my father's death/assassination. It sometimes is like, oh well, he was assassinated too, but he was never a President, so he is less important, but he was so many things, does it matter that he didn't get to live long enough to win one term because he would have won the year of 1968. He was excellent at everything he did, and very much a career man who put his all into all he done, and was extremely good at it, superb one would say. His time as United States Attorney General is my top pick. He knew the law inside out. He upheld right from wrong the right way, without infringing upon anyone. His "Reverse Classification" with/when EIT/Serum/Scan is used on witnesses/victim-survivors is so right, there is not another person that understood the rightness of that more than he. His objectives and definition of what it would be otherwise are so right on, there is not another person that could have foreseen all so clearly and be so dead-on accurate and precise. His legal knowledge is/was beyond comparison, smarter than anyone during his time and still today. He had the vision and the insight to know all the ramifications.

It truly was his destiny to become America's President, he would have won that year, no doubt, no two ways about it. Oh, and the love he had for his wife, my Aunt Ethel, it was amazing to see and to know, to hear him talk. He showed me love, the true meaning of love. The love he had for his children was as equal as he had for his wife, and for his family all the way around, including his nieces and nephews, he didn't show favoritism, he loved us all. Every time I was with him which started early in life, long before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, whenever Mother Jackie was also present, and he would stay, because he was educating me, he would sleep on the couch. I can remember waking him up, whenever I needed something. Toddling over to the couch and he would awake with a great love, you/I was never any bother to him, didn't get on his nerves, it was just love is all there is to explain it with. With such patience and understanding and clarity, I could comprehend him so well, because he took the time, he invested the time. He made time, time for everything and everyone. He was truly an amazing man. He was a one of a kind.

I am currently reading the above book now, so I will speak about this part later.

Some excerpts in first of this article copied from site Wikipedia, then the remainder is,



beginning date of 08/01/2021 to?


When a crime happens, a living victim witness survivor, a child or an adult, should never be revictimized with the procedures used by federal government, national security, or state government, etc., no matter how old a person gets, because all grow older, a child will become an adult someday, all survivors are still just that "the survivor(s)" and the case(s) that happened, that they survived, whether one case or more, is just that, what/all it is about, and what they survived and they should be recognized always as, is the survivor/witness, this/that should never be turned around on them, it is and would be wrong, so wrong and harmful, & our nation is and should be more mature than that, for why would the survivor even allow or have to allow for any such thing to be conducted or done to them wrongfully and harmfully, and it is no one's right or place to make or take such action in permission(s), it is the survivor's right, and only the survivors right, to continue to be just that, the survivor, the witness, and living and not pursued unjustly, wrongly nor harmfully.


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