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Updated: Jan 11, 2022

LAVABO inter innocentes manus meas: et circumdabo altare tuum, Domine: Ut audiam vocem laudis: et enarrem universa mirabilia tua.

I WASH my hands in innocence, and I go around Your altar, O Lord. Giving voice to my thanks, and recounting all Your wondrous deeds.


(1969 - Mr. President Johnson "I pick Greece, with my sissy, bubby & mom") That wouldn't have made me not an American. "I pick my mother "Jackie", my brother "John", and my sister "Caroline", that is where I should have got to gone when they did, that was the time when this all should be brought out to light, & the whole nation and world told. It was the appropriate time, because it was inevitable, to all be known, then would have been more appropriate. Unfortunately, it was put off for all these decades, but better late than never, you know/knew it would have to be known someday, you planned a future eruption, this way, and Mr. President NIxon, turned it into a future super-eruption, so then would have been better, is all I am trying to say. I am who I am.

(1974 - Mr. President Nixon "I pick knowledge, details and knowing all") Who wouldn't need to know that evil like that was stalking you, I sure needed to know it. "You had no right to take my right to know, my knowledge of. It was and is my right, first before all else's, that turned this into the not right way, so wrong."


iN 1974, AFTER THEY INDUCED-AMNESIA UPON ME, AT THE AGE OF 9 1/2. Bruce had Ronnie climb on top of the garage at the home on Kildare Avenue in Indianapolis, Indiana, and shoot me with a BB gun in the knees whenever I came in or out of the house. This is when I began talking out loud to Jesus and God, instead of praying on my knees. I pray, by just talking out loud most of the time, but I just talk to them, when I am alone, mostly. God & Jesus haven't seemed to mind. At least eight times now we have visited in person with each other, I guess that is how to say that. They have not failed me. Jesus took me to his Father - God when I was three years old, several things we did, one was have a conversation, in which, God said "I will never abandon you", and they have not. I do so love them with all my heart, they are the greatest love I have ever known. See when I was a kid, after Wanda's death, after they blanked me, and shot my knee caps, and so much more. I just talked to them, I wasn't allowed to get on my knees and pray like usual way, the way most do. It was my days of darkness, the years & years of, decades of. I am referring to the blankness as darkness, the doctor induced amnesia in 1974 upon me, an emotionally and mentally stable young girl, especially considering all I had been thru, with - pain in my stomach and leg; and a deceased witness protection foster guardian just buried in the ground, dead of cancer, I am referring to Wanda, of course. Well, one day, I just up and told Jesus, it was after when I - O.D.'d on that alcohol, I made a promise to Jesus, that day and said: "One day, You & I are going to figure this out", I also swore that "I will never down another fifth of alcohol in one drink for as long as I live", and I didn't. Of course, that didn't keep Bruce Garner and whomever he was betting with/against, someone different all the time, from doing it, but I did not ever again attempt such a thing. I learned the hard way that day I did that. I almost didn't live. Another one I am going to write more on soon. All Rights Reserved (part of my factual true autobiography facts of and in my life) Written By: Deborah Kim Bouvier-Kennedy A.K.A. Guffey, Garner, Colver, Hicks, G-, B-, K= 11/16/2021

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