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WORLD STAMP COLLECTION I received a gift of classic rare world stamps by my WPP Foster Step Granddad

Updated: Oct 19, 2021

UNDE et memores, Domine, nos servi tui, sed et plebs tua sancta, ejusdem Christi Filii tui Domini nostri tam beatae Passionis, nec non et ab inferis Resurrectionis, sed et in coelos gloriosae Ascensionis: offerimus praeclarae majestati tuae de tuis donis ac datis hostiam immaculatam, Panem sanctum vitae aeternae, et Calicem salutis perpetuae.


Mr. E. Randolph resided at 3539 E. Vermont Street in Indianapolis, Indiana. He was Ci-'s father.

Prior to them marrying, whilst we were still living at 1914 N. Kildare Avenue in Indianapolis, Indiana they began having to leave and be gone some days, and they would be gone fairly all day. As such, they began to leave Ro- and I with her mom Ms. B P-R-Petty or they would leave us with her father Mr. E. Randolph to babysit. It was how our relationship and getting to know them took off.

As we began getting to know them, while Br- & Ci- was gone to we didn't know where we were told "adult stuff", we were watched by them, and so began our bond.

Ms. Be***** loved the piano, and she would let us bang on it with her.

Mr. E Randolph loved his world stamp collection, I so loved sitting down with him and looking the stamps up, putting them in the book where they belonged, and studying things with him about them. Ro**** wasn't keen on any of it, he just didn't care about anything along this line of stuff. As it continued for them persistently taking us back and forth between the two places while they disappeared to the unknown, a friendship developed between him and me, and mutual respect and love of. Just prior to his death, before any of us knew he was sick, he just up and gave me the whole collection. Ci*** at the time didn't say a word and didn't seem to care like she had many more other things on her mind. It was something that never interested her either, she seemed like Ron*** when it came to these stamps. No one would even ever want to sit down with me and look at them or talk about them, how different and unique/etc. they all were. It was a huge collection, a very big book. Then after his death and his funeral, we moved to Vermont Street, his house, after moving in, and then the stamp collection book in my room up and disappeared. I never knew what happen to them, as they just played dumb, like they had no idea what I was talking about as if they never existed, and they so did. Cy*****- "Ci***" inherited his home and we moved there, that is when this collection disappeared from my room. It was the continuation of strange treatment and the cruelness that was being inflicted past, present, and to come in the future.

Today, I look back and I think they took the stamp collection from me to use for lawyers and/or for another purpose, a special scanner in the end after several years. I say this because of things that were to come that were said and done to me. I can look back now and see at different points and times in life where I truly didn't and couldn't comprehend or understand, as I was a child still.

I know that when W- first died, I read thru the entire Britannica Encyclopedia looking for the definition/meaning of what was done to me, as it was told/explained/said, and never did find it in there. Oh, so many issues/instances of things in this category over the course of the remainder of my childhood & teenage life, and as an adult, too; the definition was just not there to fit what was going on and had happened.

I have talked/spoken of a few things over the course of the last six and a half years now, this is another one of those points. After he died, we moved from Kildare Avenue to his home on Vermont Street. After we got settled in one day, I noticed that the stamp collection book was gone from my room. No one knew where it was, is what they said and I never saw it again.

Antique Rare World Stamps, just gone, it at the time wasn't the value that hurt to me, as the point, it was something I was into, interested in. The start of a hobby, and the bond of a friendship with my WPP Foster grandad that was taken, gone, just like the other things I have told you about.

He was a kind-hearted patient man, with a heart of gold, he was just plain nice.

So was Be*****, his ex, Ci***'s mom, with whom I also had a great relationship.

Both of them are now deceased, him of a heart attack I believe it was, and her of diabetes.

Ci*** is also deceased, she died from a blood clot to the brain, moved from her hip which she fell and broke in her home in Burkesville, Kentucky, she died at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. The doctors told me she was brain dead, that had her on life support, and recommend I pull the plug. It was a decision that was difficult to make and do, but I did. We all said our good-bye's and the plug was pulled, and she was gone, deceased, declared legally dead. It was a heart-wrenching decision to have to make.

Sometimes it has so seemed like all that has mattered is everyone else's opinions and feelings, as if my feelings have not ever mattered in any of this. It has made life seem to turn so cold, so frozen as the years have gone by.


Deborah Kim G-B-Kennedy Hicks



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